Example of Politics Corrupting American Christianity

Remember, American Christianity is different from the church of Jesus Christ. American Christianity is secular in nature and the church is spiritual in nature.

Oct 22, 2024 - 17:37
Oct 22, 2024 - 17:42
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Example of Politics Corrupting American Christianity

The division of politics have dug deep into American Christianity. Remember, American Christianity is different from the church of Jesus Christ. American Christianity is secular in nature and the church is spiritual in nature. This division is clearly seen in this current presidential race.

This secular form of Christianity is opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ because it champions worldly politics and inserts racial and political identity into the teachings of church leaders and ignores the main purpose of universal salvation all together. 

For instance, “At a press event and a pair of rallies in North Carolina, Paula White boasted that religious Trump supporters “are bigger than the Hispanic, Black, and Union vote” combined.”

She says, “Do you know that when conservative Catholics and socially conservative Catholics who are faithful to the church and evangelicals come together, we are 38% of the electorate? That is bigger than the Hispanic black and union vote all together.”


This statement not only sets aside certain people apart from others based on race and social class, it indirectly claims that only Evangelicals, (who are overwhelmingly white and who vote for Trump) have the only legitimate claim to the Kingdom of God over the others. This is presumptuous at least and wrongfully judgmental at most. And its racist.

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Peter 2:1.

She goes on to say, “And because of all of you and so many of us that work together, because how many of you know we are the body of Christ? And it needs we all have to be together working in unity. There’s no big I and little view. This isn’t about fame. This isn’t about money. This isn’t about position. This is about the kingdom of God!”

But this is what it has come down to among Evangelical Christians; that they alone are worthy of God’s Kingdom above any other opponents they now see as the enemy. Trump has convinced the Evangelical Christian that those who do not vote for him are the enemy. This is a lie. Many people are not voting at all and some who vote for the other candidate does not mean they are disobedient to God.

Furthermore, God does not contradict himself by leading some people to vote Democrat and others Republican. We all have free will so our vote is a reflection of us all using our free will given to us by God. It should not be exploited by false preachers and teachers to regulate who is and is not obedient to God.

She says, “I’ve got to tell you, for 24 years I’ve worked with a great man of integrity as his pastor, as a person and a friend to the family and so many other things. And he has tremendous integrity, wisdom.”

White’s discernment is not to be recognized as legitimate because she is a woman pastor and the bible says that a woman should not teach or usurp authority over a man, like she is doing over Trump. (1 Timothy 2:12). Neither should her judge of character of Trump be taken seriously.

MinisterCR A minister, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ for 34 years. Peace and love to all. Stay prayerful.