Here is the conundrum white America faces: the people who are following a traditional white racist and cheers for him to be a leader and authoritarian strongman of the US, wants to put Black people, women and others of color back into their places. The place of subordination to good old white male egoism, to make America great again. But they do not understand what they are asking for.

Along with the white supremacy policy agenda under the 45th president, comes an authoritarian agenda designed by the most wealthy and oppressive end of society. The followers, however, are chasing a memory that if manifested in this modern society, will break what has been built through the cohesion and advancement of diversity and social intelligence, and reset this society into a discombobulated state of moral and intellectual decline.

Turning back time in today’s society would be like a law to confiscate all cellphones and return to landlines in every household. Not only would the reverse undermine years of technological advancement, but would require a complete overhaul of the telephone infrastructure by rebuilding telephone poles and lines and retraining an entire generation of workers. There would be a public outcry questioning the logic behind such a backward policy and a social backlash against the intelligence of political leaders.

This is what the followers of the 45th president want to see, a reversal of decades of social advancement not understanding that there is certainly no way the landing would be as soft and secure as they expect. It is a pipe-dream that would guarantee social chaos, require physical and mental reeducation, and an army of people trained to make this happen. People would have to learn a sense of cruelty and hate that came with the days of Jim Crow, which would definitely challenge the moral base of millions of people taught to see the world in peace instead of hate.

Nevertheless, looking into a dark past with the eyes of today, we will reveal what this society would look like if this false dream comes to pass and the US is transformed into a 1950s society where Blacks, women and other people of color are made to submit to the egos of white men.


First, many white people, mainly low-income ones, will sabotage themselves because they would become victims to the authorities meant to subjugate Blacks and women, because this restructuring has more to do with income levels than race. The wealthy are on the side of the 45th president; he is doing their work of reclassifying the working class and placing them into a larger working poor class. The wealthy are looking for submissive, docile workers, and not just Black ones. Which is why they have said nothing about the millions of migrants coming into the country. They want them for low-wage work, not as cultural colleagues.

Beginning with the public schools. The new agenda of the dictator style government proposed by conservatives, all but eliminate the public school system that this country has held in place for hundreds of years. According to their plan, which was conceived by the wealthy, there will be no more free public education, but schools will require government vouchers needing supplemental payment from all parents who attend. This will leave out many low-income parents; not only Blacks, but low-income whites also, lowering the level of education. Remember, the agenda is about money, not race.

Once the school system changes over to a pay-based system, that will add extra pressure to families to meet the income requirements by working more jobs, like teachers do now, or more hours on the job. But according to the plan in place for the future, working more hours will not be an option. Companies are talking about doing away with overtime or splitting it between regular hours worked and any extra hours, unpaid, on the clock.

We can also see through their policies that childcare or child tax credits is not a priority to the wealthy as they suggest that children work also, removing child labor laws; or that grandparents and other family members step up and offer help, not considering that those people may have jobs themselves and no extra time to offer help, or possibly live in different states. In essence, a pay-based schooling system will make it more expensive to raise children.

Healthcare, an employer-based program under private insurance will only increase after this new government eliminates all affordable healthcare options. They do not see healthcare as a right, but as a privilege. When healthcare becomes financially out of reach for more families, this means illnesses will increase and medical debt will skyrocket more than it currently has. With the new resistance to vaccines and new age, long-term medication plans along with the higher cost of medications the conservatives want to implement, more families will fall prey to made up, predatory insurance companies and eventually debt collectors.

Understand that conservative policies do not want any type of government assistance for working families but want them to foot all their bills by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, regardless of how overpriced they are. Government assistance will be a thing of the past. Decades old assistance such as Medicare and Medicaid are programs that millions of people, including and mostly, white people use today to pay for births, child hospital visits, and regular doctor checkups. Not all employers offer affordable healthcare and some offer none at all. With higher private employer healthcare cost and no assistance, many families, of all colors who do not meet the middle-income levels, will suffer and fall to poverty and illness.

This elimination of the healthcare assistance system leads into the elimination of Social Security benefits also, which millions of white families take advantage of and have for decades. The Social Security system will be dismantled by new conservative policies and more children will have to pay for nursing home care, housing, food, and medication for their elderly parents. Disabled people and children will also fall victim to no Social Security Disability benefits, which will fall on the budgets of working families, who are already suffering less pay and increased cost for schooling, childcare and healthcare.

Of course, when families take on the responsibility of their elderly parents and the cost of raising children, more young people will have to sacrifice their lives and either move back home with their parents or have their parents move in with them. If this is not an option, this leaves more people, especially the elderly, to become homeless and shelters overrun more than what they are now. Government assistance programs are meant to be a safety net for struggling families in the face of laissez-faire capitalism, but once the conservatives eliminate those programs, we are all on our own. The future will become bleak for younger generations, who will have been stripped of basic life lessons through general education.

With cutbacks to the assistance programs also comes cut backs to the federal budgets of business regulations, so private companies can not only profit from hard working families, but they can have free reign on how they operate their businesses. Without government regulations, which is what corporate lawyers lobby to eliminate year after year, public services will become of less quality than what we are used to. Public water will become tainted and unclean, rivers, lakes and streams will become more polluted, and air quality will diminish along with food quality. People think the food and water are unhealthy now, an unregulated private industry will become worse than ever before, and cost more for families because they can raise their prices of service fees as high as they want to. They will also buy and control the national parks from the government and turn them into whatever they want and charge whatever they want to visit.

The cutbacks in corporate regulations will also lead into worker strikes, layoffs, and mass unemployment because companies can rule their places of business without any guardrails. They say they can pay workers more with the money they save on regulation cost, but studies show that corporations spend their extra money on stock buybacks to increase their stock market value, which is only affordable to the wealthy. And they will cut their workforce to save even more money; in addition to the use of AI, the future looks bleak for workers.

Remember, the wealthy will have no mercy and expect their workers to put in extra time and do the work of two people without regard to higher pay. They are doing that now with so many people being overworked and underpaid. This will be followed by more stressed-out workers and easy burnout, people leaving the workforce and more migrants coming it to take lower paying jobs the companies are offering. Educational requirements will be lowered thus making college degrees all but useless but leaving millions with college loan debt from private institutions.

As privatization becomes more popular among the business world, expect more toll roads, higher local and state taxes to pay corporations instead of funding the government, on top of higher utility costs and service fees for services rendered such as electricity, home heating, and sewer and water use. This will open the door to families paying for private police and fire protection, public transportation (which will be taken over by a private company), and higher bank fees, rent, car maintenance costs and higher costs of goods such as electronics, home repair and renovation, and any other service or good needed for the average family to survive.

The point to this is that without government regulation of private business and less public services and safety nets for people who struggle financially, the social landscape will become ultra capitalist with more hostility and desperation. (Search out the cause of the Great Depression of the 1930s). Expect a rise in racial conflicts because employers will have the right to hire who they want and reject anyone they deem unworthy. This will happen because government laws protecting the rights of minorities, women and migrants will be eliminated because of new laws on the books that give priority to white people, those who follow after the 45th president and his views, and conservative politicians who hold segregated traditional values.

This is the plan under the new government rule we all face in the near future, if conservatives get their way and they install an authoritarian government under a one-man rule. No more voting rights for minorities or women; no more civil rights that protect against discrimination and bigotry, which will lead to racial conflict, domestic and social violence, and police brutality, who will be given immunity on anything they decide is fair under their watch. This will cause individuals to feel they need to protect themselves against the state forces and bring forth violence against the police, neighbors, and family members who call for help during a family or community disturbance.

When family’s breakdown, children seek out friends and even strangers who provide them with the help they need even if they have to do whatever they need to survive. Drug use will rise with no assistance for rehab because mental health programs are also on the conservative chopping block. More people will fall to the justice system disqualifying them from leading a decent life, getting a job or a place to live, and crime will rise under the state of more felons, juvenile delinquency, runaways, and child trafficking. This is what happens when there are no safeguards to protect the public from private and authoritarian rule. The streets and neighborhoods will become a police state because businesses will demand protection from the low-income and those they have plunged into poverty.

Divorce rates will increase more than they are now. Marriage rates will fall because raising a family will be too expensive and riskier under the rule of men in power, and public outings will become a crowd of people desperate to escape their lives with drugs, sex, and all forms of ungodly pleasures. Morality will breakdown because society will not be about loving your neighbor, community bonds, or family values, but will take a harder turn toward individualism, self-survival, and every man for themselves. This is the lifestyle people who seek a dictator are asking for, yet they have not considered what this society will look like down the line.

White America thinks that a dictator will use law and order to favor them and exalt them above all people of color and things will return to when Blacks, women, and other minorities are back in their place, in the fields, at the back of the bus, in the kitchen, and not allowed in restaurants and under the submission of white males.

This is far from the truth because there will be a serious resistance against such tyranny, not only from people of color, but from whites who cannot except this life as normal. The breakdown of society will come sooner than these wannabees think and their lives will be turned upside down when they realize that the plan is not for them to prosper and be in charge, but for them to become worker bees for the wealthy, and nothing will look like what they were expecting. It is not about race to the wealthy; it is about money and power.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
