Conservative politicians and voters have fought to eliminate DEI, Affirmative Action, Civil Rights Laws, and Critical Race Theory because they say there is no need for such programs because there is no race problem in America. They say no one should be highlighted on race-based incentives or the color of their skin. They also claim because of all the above, reverse racism against white people is spreading.

Now that they have all power to prove their theory, and have erased the racial stigmas, the nation will soon see how a color-blind society should and will operate. We will soon see how many more Black, Hispanic, or Indian leadership roles will emerge in the higher political ranks seeing DEI no longer exist. We will see how many Black airline pilots are hired, how many more doctors and lawyers will be people of color.

Now we should not be able to count on multiple hands how many Black men will be murdered by police officers and whether these officers will fear for their lives any longer. The statistics should show how many Black and Latino businesses will prosper and grow in this new economy made great again. We will see how the public school system and Christian nationalist schools will include Blacks and others on a national scale.

Will HBCUs, Black entrepreneurs and small businesses get just as many bank loans and government contracts as the white ones? Will the minority enrollment rates increase at Ivy League schools? Will the wealth gap of hundreds of years between Blacks and whites close? Will the Black vote be represented like every other voting district in the country, or will it be gerrymandered even more? We cannot wait to see how racial harmony will fall into place after this administration proves its point of racial solidarity.

How about the free speech laws and policies in corporate and social society. Will the N-word disappear? Will Nazis find no reason to march in the streets; will militias put away their guns and the threats of racial cleansing, and will social media platforms erase the hate speech and instead promote words of unity and humanity resurface in public dialogue, or will the freedom to spew whatever vile rhetoric continues as usual? This is going to be a sight to see and long awaited. Racial solidarity at last.


If these things do not happen, we know they are liars, racists bigots who are nothing more than whiny, self-centered hypocrites threatened by the rise of a diverse nation and people they are deathly afraid of. We will know this was all a lie and a ploy to increase white supremacy and the plan all along was to make America white again. And this will be all the more reason people of color will rise against this minority people who have no respect for anyone not white. It is so glorious to watch how white American Christians and bigots will use the Word of God to further oppress their neighbors.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
