Plans always look good on paper, and in the minds of those who conceive them, it looks easy. But when it is time to implement the plan, there are always complications not taken into consideration that throws in a wrench. Then back to the drawing board it goes.

In the Project 2025 playbook, it is obvious the people who conceived the plan did not take some things into consideration. Their desired goal has become apparent to the populous they plan on implementing their plan on and people are now waking up and preparing for the worse.

The goal seems to be a resurrection of white supremacy and white male dominance here in the US and somehow around the world. For their information, this playbook is tired and old and people are sick of it, and them. The good old days are gone and never coming back because people have evolved intellectually and refuse to return to a world of subjugation.

What the planners of this Project will soon face is a population that will fight them tooth and nail for the freedoms they are losing and their right to exist. Their first obstacle is their outdated trust in violence, threats, Civil and World War. It may work on some who have never faced oppression in their lives, but for those who are used to being mistreated and been in the struggle, it empowers a resolve for resistance.

To those who stand behind this misguided Project to enforce white supremacy, as it looks this day, the world is seeing what these Project Planners are attempting because if effects them also. This is a major stumbling block to the Planners. The world knows that the US is not in a place to dominate militarily any longer and have built up their own arsenals and defense systems over the years.


They know the US is not an economic powerhouse and simply do not have the military numbers to go all in with boots on the ground or satellites in the air. In their greed for wealth, they have sold and supplied the world with weapons that will now be used against them. And what the US does not understand and the Planners did not take into consideration was a world turning against them in their America First plan of world isolation. The hate against this country has grown stronger over the years, and the hate is a force all its own.

If a nation or nations determine they need to defend themselves against the bully US, they will have no choice but to engage. This means that it is quite possible that a missile will hit the homeland, maybe two or three. If this happens, US citizens will turn against the Planners so fast it will shake the cobwebs out of their outdated minds. Then they will have two fights on their hands, domestically and internationally.

If the power grid went down for no reason other than bad negotiation, cuts to the budget, neglect and incompetence of the current administration; and families start to suffer hunger, death, disease and their children begin to cry, the anger will be turned toward the Planners and anyone who stands behind the Planners. This means all those who proudly wear the red hat and pump their fist at cruelty will be targets.

If the economy falls into a fierce economic depression worse than 1929, the same families and citizens of this country will again, turn their anger towards those flying flags of sedition. When people get desperate, they will not care if they are faced with gun barrels of the military or threats of imprisonment. They will want their got-damn lives and freedoms back.
Of course, the wealthy who have plotted this takeover, will run and hide in their bunkers and islands off shore, but there will be no safe place in a world that has the same animosity as the citizens themselves, and who feel threatened by a small population of white men.

If another virus spreads across the country and the only advice is herd immunity and rejection of medications and vaccines, when people start to die amass, children, the elderly and God-fearing people, there will be such a cry toward the heavens that even the most apathetic will have to turn towards the Planners and make a life or death decision.

It will be seriously advised that if and when these things start to happen, MAGA hats and Trump flags better be burned and tossed in the trash because all the world will know who conceived and initiated this foolish and selfish plan all for the sake of white men having their way. It will not be a pretty sight or easy as what is on paper. Prepare for a serious blowback from the people you thought you were going to oppress. And last but not least, your wealth will not save you.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
