Reelecting the Democrats or rehabilitating the Republicans is not the answer to recovering this country. Right now, there are more people disgruntled about the Democratic party as they are about the Republican party. The new MAGA party is becoming more scorned by the majority of the country because they are proving who they are, now that they are in power.

Now the people have an idea who controls the country and what their plans are. The wealthy have stolen the assets of the people and passing those assets along to their buddies and anyone who will bow to their demands and agendas. The political landscape has become corrupted, untrusted, and ready for a total restructuring.

The Republicans cannot be voted back into power but the Democrats are not an option as they cower to the MAGA cultist. The only solution is a new political party that represents what the people actually need. Not the libertarian party, not the green party, or any old faction of US imperialism, but a new party that actually works for the people.

Rumors of Civil War and Revolution spread around the social media sphere but such threats to the order of power is somewhat third worldly. Most people can agree, violence is not the answer and has no place in a civilized society.

Historians argue that inward wars and radical revolutions tend to yield worse outcomes compared to gradual reforms, as abrupt changes often result in new forms of tyranny. Those who overthrow the government tend to rush into things they are not really ready to handle. Like the dog who caught the car. Vengeance has its limits until another faction of anger grows to rebel.


MAGA is showing the country who they by standing behind the wealthy and wheedling vindictive power blows to their perceived enemies. They are bullies, miseducated voices seeking power and control over others instead of establishing a prosperous land. They are oligarchs and separatist looting the public coffers of hard-earned tax dollars with no plan to redistribute the wealth to those who work hard for it, the middle class.

If new leaders rise, they have to take into consideration that there are specific signs of an oligarchic system’s vulnerability, suggesting that the opportunity for change may surface during periods of public dissatisfaction and internal disunity among the ruling class. We can expect disruption among the wealthy as the elitist clash on ideas and how to move forward and in whose best interest.

One way to recognize when the time is right for the emergence of a new political party with new ideas, is to look for key indicators that include widespread disillusionment with the state’s purpose, disconnection from moral virtues, and contestations within elite groups. Additionally, emerging leaders from the middle class, who possess a blend of property, independence, and practical wisdom, play a crucial role in navigating these transitional moments.

The new leaders have to organize a multitude of groups and activist with a basic plan and common interest to form a foundation of what a true democracy or a real republic looks like. What we are seeing today was at one time a functioning government but the balance of power and rule of law has been ignored and money has played a large role in corrupting and uprooting the foundation.

Successful political transformations must involve coalitions across diverse social classes, particularly the middle class, which has historically been effective in bridging extremes of wealth and poverty. A working-class ideology must be planted at the roots and the acquisition of wealth must be redistributed back into the working class to spread outward instead of upward. One central agency of the government would be dedicated to this one aspect, eventually establishing further agencies of checks and balances.

Strategies for effecting change include creating independent structures of power, forming intentional coalitions, exploiting oligarchic contradictions, and fostering a sense of strategic patience among those seeking reform. History is the best teacher of developing nations thus checks and balances from the new political party would monitor the main institution controlling all other aspects of the government.

A reeducation of the populous must flow from the understanding of what caused the fall of the United States and eliminate those things or place them under the strict control. The main platform must be to accomplish a well-balanced system that places boundaries on the extensive accumulation of wealth and the reversal of political corruption under the rule of law.

We are starting to see the weaknesses in the elitist class with the infighting and contradictions of who gets what and when, defined as traditional politics. The new political party must rise now and lay the foundation of a balanced economic system that not only encourages production and trade, but a system of reward for all who contribute.

Foreign relations do not have to be based on threats of war or colonialism, but on fair trade, cultural education and understanding, and peace time. The United States can once again exist as a major world power but the new party has to gain the respect of the world by establishing an identity known throughout as assisting in the development and advancement of civilization.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
