America’s fall into fascism, authoritarianism and a full-blown oligarchy can be condensed into one simple concept; lies. In the battle between good and evil, right versus wrong, justice and injustice, the struggles of this country boil down to the disregard of truth and facts, and the acceptance of the many lies being told and believed.

When trying to convince someone to accept a theory of any sort and get them to abandon an established way of life, the argument must be convincing enough to persuade people to change, but the change must be advantageous otherwise they will not convert. When they refuse because they see no advantage, the opposing party will then resort to subtle forms of deception.

This deception first consists of exaggerations of the original offer, uncertainties introduced about the traditional life styles, and then misinformation, manipulation of facts, and finally blatant lies. The most damaging psychological phenomena of this process are not the lies being told but the willingness of some people to believe the lies. This is when the believing party has resorted to cult-like status.

The believing party chooses to accept the lies based on a reality they would rather believe instead of the real-world truth. Defiance of the status quo and traditional life is another reason they choose to believe the opposite of what real life actually offers. For instance, gender realities have been twisted to fit a narrative that contradicts the real world. Reality says there are only two genders, but an opposing reality has been offered that reverses the reality and introduces alternatives to the real world.

Likewise, alternative narratives have been introduced into society that reverses the worldview of wealth and poverty. Wealth is championed while poverty is vilified. This twist of reality has convinced many to treat some better than others because of their economic status. Even to the point that those in poverty are seen as useless and to be treated as criminals, and those who are wealthy are seen as geniuses to be revered. This worldview is also cult-like and goes against reality.


While gender is a law of nature, wealth and poverty are of an ethical nature. Nevertheless, the reversal of both have dug into the moral fabric of the country and caused society to confuse what to accept as real and what to ignore, depending on what they choose to believe. When the facts are presented to justify the argument, we have reached a point where the facts are ignored.

Professional and carefully coordinated liars have taken advantage of this weakness in society and are exploiting their refusal to accept reality or any sources of truth. The lies work from both political spectrums and philosophical worldviews about life. This has led to a culture war amongst society platformed on a political level; establishing campaign promises and policy changes.

“In the 1980s, right-wing donors began pouring money into still-ongoing efforts to convince conservative Americans not to trust mainstream media. Not surprisingly, a steady diet of misinformation and disinformation is unhealthy for a person’s relation to the truth.”

Similarly, left-wing propaganda through Hollywood flooded households with a distortion of gender reality and a rebellion against traditional gender roles and the family structure. This made it to the point of families being made up of two men and two women, transvestitism, and further clouding young minds with gender transitioning from boys to girls and vice versa.

Unfortunately, both worldviews have disrupted social norms and created a society that cannot discern between truth and lie or reality and fantasy. “Americans and people around the world are now experiencing the disastrous consequences of our becoming a “post-truth” society.”

In the battle of good and evil, the Bible says, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8:44.

The political system followed by the religious institutions of America have caved to many lies to justify their passion for power, control, and discrimination against people, their culture and their lifestyles. As a leader in a position of power and influence, “[The president] lies constantly to the American public. It’s damaging our democracy and undermining Americans’ future… that immigrants commit more crime than people born in the U.S. or that Trump won the 2020 election.” Transgender mice and Ukraine started the war. These are blatant lies.

“Conservative Christian media, meanwhile, has become a public relations vehicle for the “anointed” Trump, who told Congress that God had saved him so that he could save America. Trump’s implicit message — opposing him is opposing God — is made explicit by religious-right media figures.”

Bald-face lies have transformed the country into a mess of unrealistic circumstances the country face that have real world consequences. People are losing their jobs based on the lie of eliminating waste and fraud from government; people are being killed by police under the assumption that police have all immunity for whatever action they take, rather right or wrong; crimes committed by politicians are overlooked based on a two-tiered justice system and people are being falsely imprisoned and deported based solely on stereotypes. All surfacing from the lie of a stolen election.

There is no longer a moral standard and anything goes. Lies are being told that contradict years of scientific study; education is undermined which has helped millions of people throughout history learn of the world around them, and social and family connections are being terminated because of lies, anger, and apathy, just to prove a point. Even lawyers and judges argue and pass rulings all based on lies and misinformation.

The United States has fallen to one of the worse transgressions that can committed against a living God. Not only does it show in the everyday lives of the people and the foundation of the governing body, but will have a profound effect on the lives of people who believe in religious doctrine and the promises of God. “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8.

“And that’s how we end up with a president who lies to build power — a go-to tactic for authoritarian leaders — and a movement and political party filled with people who either believe his lies or don’t care that he’s lying as long as he’s attacking the people they see as their enemies.”

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
