Face it; the United States has always been a type of cult operating under the strong-arm of white supremacy. Its rituals of systemic racism, mob rule and killings, nepo and favoritism, and its determination to keep white men in power functions under a cult-like mentality and structure.

Lately, however, the plot of that structure has been revealed to not only serve white men, but elite white men with money and power. The country is beginning to see that they are not a concern to their elected politicians but have been used and taken advantage of for years.

Unfortunately, a man has risen that is being used by the wealthy white men to restructure the economy in their favor and that man is using cult like tactics to manipulate the masses into believing he is doing this for their best interest instead of for the wealthy. The way he has done this is astounding and obscenely maniacal.

The majority of the congressional seats are held by members of his following. His influenced of cult mentality has reached as high as the Supreme Court, and into the offices of the main agencies that have traditionally secured the country’s safety, such as the CDC, EPA, and the banking system; which all have a serious effect on the populous’ health and well-being. This cult influence has expanded and brought down the entire foundation of what was once a decently governed yet delicately splintered country.

Now occupied and controlled by conspiracy theorist and undereducated fools, the country is on the verge of ruin. This is because it is officially a cult under the rule of a man with serious emotional feebleness and low self-esteem, but revered as a god-like figure. A “cult” is generally defined as a group or movement that is characterized by some or all of the following features:


Devotion to a Leader: The group exhibits excessive devotion to a charismatic leader, often to the point of seeing the leader as infallible or having special knowledge or insight. Evangelical Christians have somehow convinced their religious sect and the mainstream politicians that the current president is chosen by God to make change in the country.

In addition, political leaders are under the impression that this president is at or above the status of a mafia boss thus they refuse to go against his wishes by reason of being threatened by his henchmen, the MAGA base. There are reports of families being threatened and politicians being primaried and losing races against some secret force of handpicked people of the president. Voicemail and email threats flood the offices of opposing politicians scaring them shitless.

Unorthodox Beliefs or Practices: A cult typically has beliefs or practices that deviate significantly from those of mainstream or established religious traditions. The followers are dark-web conspiracist with theories and beliefs manufactured by people who have grievances against the government and mainstream structure because of their own under achievements.

They deny science, higher educational institutions, news organizations, and carry suspicions of any agency that is put in place to secure the nation, investigate criminal activity of white-collar corporations, or that enforces the laws of the founding documents of the nation. This includes the CIA, FBI, the judicial system, and other three letter agencies. They constantly look for someone to blame for their shortcomings.

Isolation: Members may be encouraged or required to distance themselves physically or emotionally from non-members, often leading to isolation from family and friends. Many families and close relationships have been severed in sacrifice for support of their leader. They are willing to sacrifice these life-long relationships choosing rather to believe those close to them are missing the overall point of the president’s mission, and see them as the enemy.

They have even created a term for those who oppose him by applying the label of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), implying they hate him so much they cannot see the good he is doing. This labelling is merely an excuse for them to justify themselves as being right regardless of his devious undertakings and inhumane treatment of others.

The followers have rejected the human characteristics of empathy, compassion, and fairness under justice and rather choose to view those qualities as weak, woke, and not effective enough to make change. They believe that hardness, callousness and tough love are best to make the changes they feel are needed for the country. The president carries these characteristics but not in a good way, but based on vengeance and retribution against those he sees as his enemies.

Manipulative Practices: Cults often use manipulative and coercive techniques to recruit, retain, and control members, including psychological pressure, indoctrination, and deceptive practices. These tactics are all qualities of the culture wars initiated into society such as animosity toward whoever he deems as inadequate; immigrants, people of color, the opposing political party, and anyone else he harasses or makes fun of. He name calls, insults, and undermines the achievements and accomplishments of others and his base loves the vilification.

This following has placed emphasis on paternalistic features of men by questioning who fits the actual profile of a real man. In their attempt to resurrect the alpha male, they have undermined women, nonwhite men, and anyone who does not follow after their stereotype of white male dominance. Instead of teaching the characteristics of a real man, such as being respectful, reasonable, exhibiting leadership and protectionism, they are teaching bullying, confrontation and violence as aspects of being a real man. While their leader embarrasses himself on the world stage.

Exclusive Truth Claims: Cults often claim to have special or exclusive access to truth or salvation, making it difficult for members to question or leave. Again, evangelical leaders have somehow convinced politicians and a large populous of the country that God has chosen this man as a leader to make the country great again. This divine anointing has infiltrated the churches and the halls of congress to the point that if he is challenged, it is almost considered a sin against God. This is called idolatry.

The followers have been taught to believe anything he says is true and to deny anything contrary to what he is saying or doing. They reject facts, historical documents, and societal patterns that justify how the current path the country is on is dangerous. They will accept failures such as stock market crashes, high unemployment, and higher prices as good things in anticipation of promises he made. This is cognitive dissonance at its strength. To believe good is bad and bad is good.

They will even believe bald-face lies told in public and easily debunked by simple research. They will deny video evidence and accept any irrational alternative explanation their leader gives as talking points. Examples, Ukraine started the Russian war or the January 6 insurrection was a lovefest. Lies only strengthen their devotion and this is a strange phenomenon.

Strong Us vs. Them Mentality: Cults typically foster an “us vs. them” mentality, viewing outsiders as inferior or threatening. The divide and conquer strategy have worked on the followers from the beginning when he showed aggression toward immigrants on the escalator. He revealed his deep-seated racism towards Blacks – Obama’s presidency – and he blames the opposing party for all failures and problems of the country.

He lies about the mainstream media causing doubt of the truth in news, implies that judges, lawyers, and criminal investigating government agencies cannot be trusted, and he has turned his base against anything normal, traditional, or of relating to common sense and critical thinking.

The lifeline of a cult is usually 10-25 years or until their leader is taken from them, either by natural death or by force. As long as the leader is in control and given a national platform to speak and act without consequences, the cult will remain and even strengthen as the country has seen them do in the last 10 years. If there is not opposition to or retaliation against the cult movement, the country will continue to disintegrate and may take years to recover.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
