Take One: an actor wins the 2016 presidential election and comes in shocked and unprepared; introduces a cast of his best people only to fire them later, and sets the country on a path of hatred and chaos.
Take Two: the actor loses the next presidential election only to lie and cry about being cheated. The country gives him the benefit of the doubt by not accepting reality and bends to the threats of violence by his supporters.
Take Three: the actor suspiciously wins the 2024 presidential election and cast a group of the most wealthy and extreme characters to remake the country in his own image and still, the institutions follow based on ignorance, hate, fear, and a strong detachment from reality.
As a result, the current state of this nation is set on an off-Broadway stage and simply cannot be real. As a reality television actor pretends to be a president, the people are forced to accept some of the most ridiculous social and political theater equivalent to a seriously bad reality show and a producer high on crack.
The characters, the nation’s political leaders, are awful actors flawed and tainted with child-like personalities and actions that follow. They are whiny, ridiculously unreasonable, and spew the most ignorant statements heard only from children throwing tantrums for attention or a little league athlete not getting enough playing time.
They are introducing wild-eyed laws and proposals that only a petulant child could request. One such proposal was introduced by a Republican senator that would make disliking the current president as a mental disorder. This is a sitting senator of the US Congress mind you. Comparably however, if someone can introduce such a law, why can they not recognize racism, hate and stupidity as a mental disorder?
The stupidity behind some of the many ludicrous laws and proposals set forth only by Republican politicians, have turned politics in America into a script written for Saturday morning television, or a comic book. The spite, vindictiveness, and vengeance instilled into their thought process is so obvious that it reeks of nothing more than lack of common sense and hate for their fellow citizens, with a villain in the starring role.
The over-the-top executive orders, mean-spirited statements and political moves by this reality television president has sadly been accepted and treated as normal by mainstream media, Congress people, corporate leaders, and many, hundreds of thousands of voters. There should be a laugh track queued behind much of the political ridiculousness in this nation.
Other such foolishness consists of giving guns to everyone, and to some teachers, criminalizing transgenderism, (something portrayed throughout television history by many actors as acts of comedy), bashing people of color, women, and veterans, replacing school curricula with Bibles sponsored by the reality television president, changing the names of landmarks for no reason whatsoever and too many others to name.
This president is calling for the impeachment of a sitting judge because the judge was doing his job by ruling against his deportation plan of immigrants. If he cannot get his way, he attempts to destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with him. This is the behavior of a child and people actually respect this type behavior.
Threats of war against a man who is defending his nation against an invasion; threatening to take over other countries and lands without their approval and against their will; withholding aid from poor nations, bombing smaller nations because they try to help other nations already under attack by the US, and threatening media outlets calling them illegal. This man is freaking crazy yet his followers think his behavior is ok.
This man demands attention through staged public speeches, fake publicity stunts, (such as the cartoonish style assassination attempt), fake crowds complete with clap, cheer and laugh tracks, and social media post in the dark of night that capitalizes cuss words, bald-face lies, and threats.
The script writers behind this horribly produced reality show (The Heritage Foundation), are so far out of touch with reality they have abandoned humanity. They have no concern for families, the elderly, children or their future, but are white men so full of greed and hate, they have nothing left in their minds and hearts but fantasies.
This reality president has cast a sifi weirdo who is strung out on some drug most of the day, stretched too thin in a number of businesses, and who think Nazism has gained him entrance into the cool group. As the Wookie of this administration, he is on overload of extreme intergalactic fantasy followed by antics that have needlessly harmed the livelihood of millions of people in the nation and around the world. This dastardly dude is dangerous and on the verge of insanity.
Normal, average people, and the rest of the civilized world, can see this ridiculousness and cannot help but either shake their heads in disgust or laugh out loud. And for the mainstream media to pass this foolishness off to the people as reality cast a light of complicit insanity on them also. The sad part is no one has come forth to stop this or call this out as something made up out of the minds of screenwriting dropouts.
The only way to stop this is to get louder with the truth over their lies, and to humiliate the script writers. The main problem is there was never a hero written into the script and now people are starting to believe no one is coming to save us. This is a cowardly nation full of weak men and subjugated women who feel threatened by the weak men. Someone has to rewrite the script to the favor of the people.
DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE