Teachers, drivers and warehouse workers, service workers, nurses and now hotel workers, have confronted corporations about poor working conditions and low and stagnant wages over the past few years since the Covid lockdowns. It was during this time that corporations took full advantage of workers by shorting work hours, lowering wages, overworking and laying off millions.

They raised prices claiming that Covid caused them to, but they never restored the prices to pre-pandemic levels. They did the same with workers hours, pay, and hiring. During Covid, “Many hotels cut services during the Covid-19 pandemic and never restored them. But hotels say guests are no longer asking for daily room cleaning and some other services.” That has changed since reopening.

In essence, workers are still facing challenges with low pay and layoffs and not being able to afford basic needs such as child care, health insurance, food, rent and utilities. Economic and government officials keep claiming inflation, (an invisible phenomena and an excuse to keep prices high), but the reality is people are starting to wake up to corporate greed.

We all know the basics of how the economy works; businesses set prices; consumers pay those prices. But if business continue raising prices and not wages, the working family suffers. This has been happening for decades. Wages are not keeping up with the cost of living, and people are tired of it.

Though worker strikes have worked for certain industries, there are many more industries that are still being exploited by corporations. There needs to be a collective effort on the part of ALL workers to implement a work stoppage nationwide that includes all industries. This will drive a deep dent into the profits of corporate greed.


Corporate profits have increased almost triple since Covid and twice as much over the course of 20 years. “Corporate Profits in the United States averaged 646.04 USD Billion from 1950 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 2803.20 USD Billion in the fourth quarter of 2023 and a record low of 14.67 USD Billion in the first quarter of 1951.”

These numbers are facts. But the public does not get these reports from mainstream and local media on a daily bases, so people are unaware that the problem is not government spending claimed by political corporatism, but corporate greed. A national work stoppage would seriously reign in the power of corporations and reboot the economy in favor of the worker in a different direction.

Yes, the people will have to suffer for a short period of time because corporations would retaliate as viciously as they can by instituting layoffs, threatening firings and even continuing to raise prices to hurt the worker. But the people have to be resilient and know that such an action would hurt the corporations double in the long run, what it would hurt the workers in the short term.

Calling their bluff is the name of the game. We must remind them that it is the workers that produce the goods and services and they depend on them and would not make a dime without worker production. People have a legitimate fear of losing income, their homes, and being able to take care of their families, but we must sacrifice before we can get the benefits. If there are no bank workers, they cannot take your home.

This is why most politicians encourage the destruction of labor unions because they know the power is in the hands of the people. Any politician that denounces unions are not a friend of the working family. They are paid by corporations to squash workers protections and corporate retaliation and the people’s right to organize against exploitation.

One week of an organized work stoppage should do the trick. If there are no call centers, restaurants for lunch time, no mechanics, no plumbers, electricians, construction workers, bankers or any financial workers, the corporations could not function at all. There would definitely be a social breakdown but the rewards would be tremendous for the worker.

Every so often there needs to be a reset of the economy in favor of the people. The country would have to restructure the economic base and negotiations would have to be done to restart the economy. This should not take long. The government would have to intervene on behalf of the people and reject the bribery of the corporations or else the country would not make any money either.

Set a date for the start of a national work stoppage. Get a public announcement across the country. Encourage the workforce that they will benefit in the long run. And then wake up in the morning and rest assured in the comfort of your bed, knowing in the near future, your job will still be there and your wages will be higher.

You will have affordable health insurance, time for family and child rearing, lower prices on the marketplace, and a retirement plan that works for everyone and not just a few. We will see the collapse of billionaires, financial institutions that exploit us, new laws put into place for workers, and a return to a better life. It is either this, or a depression-era stock market crash soon to come.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
