What is with colonizers of European descent that makes them believe they have all rights over the lands of indigenousness peoples? It is understandable if the colonizers gave a voice to the original people when they took over their land and established the constitution, but to not even give them a say since its founding, and to this day, is ridiculous.
The Aboriginals asked in good faith to be included in the Constitution so they can have a say in what goes on in the country and to be included when resources are dispersed. But the Australian government, and its voter base declined their request with the lamest excuse.
“The Voice to Parliament was proposed in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, a 2017 document crafted by Indigenous leaders that set out a roadmap for reconciliation with wider Australia.” However, “Opposition leader Peter Dutton said Instead of being ‘one’, we will be divided – in spirit, and in law; and said the result was “the result was “good for our country.”
This is the same excused being used against Black Americans where it pertains to voting rights and any form of protection against mistreatment by the US system of all things. Many resists government backing for Blacks because they believe it is a type of racism against whites. But the same underlying motive is prevalent in Australia called “reverse victimhood.”
“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – who make up 3.8% of the nation’s 26 million population – have inhabited Australia for at least 65,000 years but are not mentioned in the constitution. They are, by most socio-economic measures, the most disadvantaged people in the country. It was the second time the issue of Indigenous recognition was put to a national vote – the last attempt was in 1999.”
The History of the Aboriginal People and European Colonization:
The original inhabitants, who have descendants to this day, are known as aborigines. In the eighteenth century, the aboriginal population was about 300,000. The aborigines, who have been described alternately as nomadic hunter-gatherers and fire-stick farmers (known for using fire to clear the brush and attract grass-eating animals instead of cultivating the land), settled primarily in the well-watered coastal areas.

“Two years after the arrival of the First Fleet, Aboriginal warrior Pemulwuy began to resist the incursion of white settlers onto his people’s traditional lands. Despite being seriously wounded in 1797, he eluded capture until 1802 when he was shot dead. Pemulwuy’s head was cut off and sent to Sir Joseph Banks for his collection.
On 1 September 1794 the Hawkesbury River Massacre represented the largest number of Indigenous people killed by colonisers in a single encounter since 1788. It was the earliest of at least three documented massacres of Aboriginal people in the Hawkesbury region, the first area to be colonised outside Sydney.”
“The Commonwealth of Australia was established on January 1, 1901. After approval of a draft constitution by Australian voters, the British Parliament had passed legislation in 1900 to enable the commonwealth to come into existence. The constitution gave the commonwealth, or federal government, certain defined powers; all residual powers were given to the governments of the six colonies, which were renamed states. In this respect and in its separate and independent judiciary, the political system resembled that of the United States. Executive authority was established on the British model, with a cabinet headed by a prime minister responsible to the lower house of the bicameral legislature.”
Who else knows of a similar situation anywhere in the world that resembles this act of genocide and colonization, particularly coming from a European nation. To this day, they still maintain that they have all rights to any land they set foot on without regard to the well-being of the people whose land they took. A special hell is set aside for these kinds of people.
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