The reality is too many people live the same fantasy as Musk in believing he is the top echelon of brilliance and genius of innovation, when in reality his mind is already gone to another planet. His vision does not include life or the people on earth, but is in a world that does not and never will exist.

He literally stood on the shoulders of others as he stands on the shoulders of the president’s vision of a white race-centered society. He has grouped together and further enraged the haters that follow him and the plans of the wealthy to restructure society in their, and his favor.

Regrettably, this plan coupled with his adolescent vision have millions praising the dismantling of their own country believing that their enemy is government bureaucracy, undeserving recipients, and wasted work hours; which is what billionaires thrive on for their own wealth. This plan has been slowly rolling out over generations and will take generations to repair, if ever the chance.

First, portray the government as incompetent, like Ronald Reagan did in his first term when he said, “The Most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’”? Reagan turned the heads of the nation away from corporate greed and toward blaming the government for their economic and cultural problems.

Presidents and politicians after him slowly underfunded and dismantled government programs, services, and social safety nets to force people into the workforce while at the same time lowering wages, sending jobs overseas, disabling protections, and increasing work hours. They gutted the public school system making teachers pay for their own class supplies; they broke the public services by privatizing water, trash, and road infrastructure, and they increased police presence under the lie of rising crime rates, thus building a private prison system for cheap labor.


Next, they started pointing at people of color and diversity claiming the melting pot theory does not work and also contributes to their economic woes. Irrelevant culture wars arose and radio talk show host and cable news networks magnified false claims that angered people for no reason other than race hatred. Then taxes were attacked, federal infrastructure was attacked, and wars were fought for money and oil instead of sovereignty and freedom.

Currently, we have millions of people fighting to not exactly dismantle what the Constitution had put in place, but cheering for the plan they originally started with, which is a wealthy, white man’s paradise. All this because one guy grew up with a chip on his shoulder against what he believes made his life miserable, people of color, the courts, and his lack of social skills. So now he is seeking revenge.

His accomplice, this Megatron-like being is recklessly tearing down something he had no part in building but on behalf of a population full of fabricated cultural and governmental hate, he is taking full advantage for selfish reasons. Unfortunately, the populous is waking up to the deception and starting to fight back; something he did not consider because he was blinded by the delusion the majority of the country is behind him.

They have convinced people that tearing down the government is in their best interest all the while people are losing their jobs, families are being ripped apart for political reasons, and justice has turned upside down. False cheers, paid clappers, crowds shuffled in under bribes, and trolls and AI bots act as fillers on social media platforms lying their AI asses off.

Like a recurring nightmare, at some point the millions who cheer for their own demise will awaken and find themselves in the struggle of poverty, loneliness, and depression, yet somehow, they live in such a delusional world, they will find a way to justify this horrific political failure. But it will be too late seeing they were not only convinced to destroy themselves, but have convinced themselves it was worth it.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
