Of the current labeled generations sharing society; Boomers, Xers, Millennials, and Gen-Z, each generation share common traits that has led to the dysfunction of society ripe for brainwashing and cult-like behavior. These traits lead back to addiction, televised stereotypes and false hope.

First, addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs and prescription-based, chemical-laden synthetics has slowly deteriorated the psychological and emotional state of each generation to the point of dissolving their ability to love, think and reason, or to separate fiction from reality.

Boomers returned from war and became alcoholics and winos. Hard core drugs were not a thing then but alcohol ruined many lives and families. Domestic violence increased and marriages were torn apart, divorce rose and children began to suffer from the break ups being divided between the mother and the father. Fathers were forced from the home via court order as mothers had first rights to the children.

Men and fathers hit the bottle twice as hard and would find relationships in other single or divorced women which started the step parent, step-child era. Divorced women either married again or turned to the bottle themselves, living a life of singleness by tramping themselves throughout the city and country side, dragging along their children, exposing them to instability and bad relationships.

Meanwhile, the children silently suffered yet had to adjust to separation anxiety that was never actually addressed by science or therapy. Band-Aids were applied to that generation, Gen-X, and they were basically left to themselves to learn life’s lessons the hard way. Alcohol played a big part in their lives also but illegal drugs such as weed and cocaine hit the streets and turned many Gen-Xers into addicts and slaves to a stronger form of psychological trauma and insensitive behavior.


Gen-X learned to become more self-centered and independent of their parents and the family unit and withdrew into the glamorized world of make-believe families through television propaganda and happy endings. They identified with heroes, stereotypical alpha males and the independent woman deciding more toward either not having families or raising their children to be self-centered and independent themselves, under the illusion of the happy family life.

Grown men who never outgrew adolescence but thrived on explosions, gun fights, and the television version of men and fathers who worked 16 hour days thinking this was manly and described as providing for their family, not realizing that they were actually neglecting their families instead; blinded by corporate illusions of hard work to succeed and growing wealth by sacrificing their home-life responsibilities.

Women, were also tricked into the corporate world and left their children to others. They basked in fashion, make-up, pants suites, and sexually conquering men to overcome their low self-esteem, rejection, and stereotypes as kitchen women and mothers. In the meantime, further destroying the family unit out of sheer spite and the deception of becoming mother and father to their children.

But as times got harder and the American dream dissipated into a struggle, both parents blended into the workforce and dropped their children into expensive daycares. Their children, in turn grew into a socialized system of the daycare generation. Frustrated by a lack of intimacy and care from their parents, they turned to one another as they aged. The millennial generation became rebellious as they were drugged by their parents under the instruction of their teachers through prescription drugs to address their ADHD and anxiety disorders, which grew into bipolarism, anti-depression care, and deeper psychological problems they rightfully blamed their parents for.

When the children became immune to the prescription drugs, harder forms of drugs hit the street market like Fentanyl, Meth, and chemical-based marijuana became popular in culture. These drug combinations desensitized millions and that generation became emotionally unreachable. They were more apathetic, lacked a conscience, and critical thinking skills died under a rush of prescription and chemical drugs.

Their children fell prey to the short attention spans of their parents who dropped cell-phones and tablets into their laps to keep them occupied, further increasing the weakness of psychological development and needed skills of logic and reason. Now, the workforce is saturated with new hires who can barely stay the full work day and who seek mental health days off to cope with their anxiety.

Once again, throughout each generation, band aids were applied (more medication), instead of addressing the problem from the root, which was strengthening the family by giving incentives to parents to stay with their children instead of working 70 hours a week. The corporate world was insensitive to this need for society and pushed harder for workers instead of rebuilding families. In fact, they are more anti-family than any generation before them.

As a result, we have a society ripe for indoctrination, fluffed with false cinematic dreams and happy endings, stereotypes of the idiotic father and the independent, slut-life driven mother, even to the point of glamorizing singleness and dysfunctional families, alternative families, and a turn from loving children to raising them as young adults and life warriors instead of kids.

Through it all, drugs and alcohol has desensitized people where they have no empathy, compassion, understanding or tolerance toward others. Half the country is under this spell of an illusion that has wrecked the family life and become ripe for a subculture of people spread throughout all generations who have become victims to propaganda, hate, and a need for attention.

Now, the majority the country is waking up and has discovered that they were sold a lie wrapped in promises of the American Dream. Unfortunately, there are two theories toward a solution the country cannot agree on. The inability to resolve these crises is wrapped up in the inability to think and reason clearly, distorted by childhood trauma and a drug-induced population. It is no wonder a movement of similar psychopathological derelicts have gained power and come along and take advantage of this dehumanized group of people and start the largest cult movement in the history of this country.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
