In a mix of corporate oppression, fascist rule, open and widespread racial hatred, Christian nationalism, and gun hoarding, trigger-happy bigots, this country will be at its apocalyptic end for sure. Either arm yourself now or turn to the salvation of the Lord because if this nightmare comes to pass, we are all doomed.

If, unfortunately, the 45th president wins the White House for 2025, his appointment of Elon Musk as some kind of Government Efficiency Expert is a train wreck waiting to happen. Not only will workers suffer the hardships of corporate oligarchy, and a Twitter-like failure, but the tension between Trump and Musk is sure to collapse like every other Trump appointment in the past.

The country would basically turn into an X episode of hatred and animosity built into the government and workforce. Talk about race-based DEI attacks, persecution of people of color and a rise in mythical ideas of white intellectual supremacy, but work relations will drop to a new low returning to a Jim Crow environment with a hefty touch of South African Apartheid. This is a disaster on the way.

Musk has also faced legal scrutiny for his labor practices at both Tesla and X. A California judge found that he and other Tesla executives violated labor laws in 2017 and 2018 by sabotaging attempts to organize workers.”

Forget about a work-life balance. Men and husbands are going to work their butts off, and their wives, and their children too, as they will suffer at the hands of more guns and school shootings, drugs use, and depression. Forget about sick days, family leave, family planning and livable wages; people are going to go further into debt because corporations thrive from you owing them.


Expect higher unemployment – as Musk tears down the government workforce like he did Twitter. Expect longer lines at places like the DMV; phone wait times to increase only for your problem to be handled by AI. Expect an army of bots and agents of foreign misinformation to flood not only social media, but your email accounts, phone text, and robocalls from financial scams.

Watch for censorship of GOP enemies, freedom of speech squashed for reputable sources and general voices, and a huge uptick of misinformation, phony government statistics that vilify people of color and immigrants, but justify racism; false numbers made up to increase sales for every financial scam a capitalist crook can think of. May the Lord have mercy on this country if these men take control of government money, information, and the workforce.

Musk’s push into national politics grew with his 2022 purchase of Twitter, which he later renamed X. He immediately oversaw mass layoffs and implemented a new vision promoting free speech — reforms that brought partisan criticism he was enabling misinformation and harassment on the platform. Under Musk’s leadership, X’s valuation has plummeted and investors lost over $24 billion.”

This duo would open the door to the most extreme form of corporate corruption, worker exploitation and bigotry not seen since the turn of the twentieth century. Voters who stand behind the working class are going to awaken to a dystopian nightmare. Their vote for their own oppression is inevitable. They have to be the most dense, uneducated people on this earth to support their own working demise.

They have been duped by an army of political and cultural bots that repeatedly post racist memes and hateful rhetoric. This includes Russian agents and other foreign countries that pay trolls to mislead the average person who have an IQ beneath the algorithms of AI. These people champion strong men and hard speeches against innocent and vulnerable people who cannot defend themselves against the state.

One would think these low-information voters would have learned their lesson about voting into office a wealty individual, who they think will make the country wealthy and themselves financially balanced, but apparently, they have not learned and are begging for more exploitation.

God forbid if these men take power. They actually think America will be great again. It will only be hateful again because a darkness will fall on this country that will only be seen by those who are called and chosen by God. Those who are victims of the vision of darkness disguised as making America great again will be the ones most shocked by the bondage the entire country will face. Yes, their enemies will be attacked and persecuted, but their reality will be most torturous because they will have to face the fact that they have been wrong.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
