For anyone who understands what is actually happening to this country, and how it is literally being dismantled to give more room at the top for the wealthy, as you side-eye those you know ignorantly voted for this tragedy, do not forget that news outlets played a major role.

With their ambiguous and hyper inflated rhetorical headlines, they try not to show solidarity with the new leaders, but pass their reporting off as trying to chastise them, yet in the depths of their stories they spinelessly submit to the chaos. They do this in complete fear of what would happen to their existence and bottom lines.

The people who own these organizations are as ignorant and cowardly as those who cast their ballots, and they are just as disillusioned and gullible as them also. They walk in fear, confusion, and deep-seated underlying bigotry hoping for a breath of air to relieve them of their constant guilt and frailty. They look to their economic pimp to pat them on the head while holding a gun to it.

Outlets such as NYT, AP News, Washington Post, along with the cable news stations including CNN and MSNBC, are all complicit in the hostile takeover of Democracy, the oppression of minority groups, and the genocidal murders in foreign countries’ who have done nothing to the US but exist.

They flushed out their best reporters; shadow banded their social media experts, and gave rise to blatant misinformation and outright lies hoping the people would fall in line, but they were wrong as hell. All for the sake of a tax cut and more money in the pockets of certain men to fulfill their greed and partake in their small pissing contest of who can own the most yachts.


If the next generation ever get the chance to ask, what the hell happened during the MAGA era, they will have to dig deep into the archives of personal journals and blogs to find out. These cowardly, so-called Ivy League educated journalist have given over their freedom and power of the press to misguided castaways and misfits of illegitimate news reporting networks such as Breitbart, OAN, Fox, and Newsmax. People who thrive on hate and dress that hate up in sugarcoated lies passed off as news in support of corrupted governance.

These people have forgotten that lies cannot stand the test of time just as the lies told of American exceptionalism is being uncovered right now as colonizers and imperialist. Younger generations will find out the truth and the trademarks of these corporations will be blotted out and labeled as traitors, seditionist and fake news.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
