If hypocrisy was a person, it would be a white person living in suburban or rural America cheering the cruelty shown toward Black and brown people, Democrats, and anyone else nonwhite. At the same time, using the law, police force, judges, lawyers, racist jurors and the military to pervert justice from a domestic level up to an international level.

The president of the United States is not allowed in other countries because of his criminal record, and not wanted in others based on sheer integrity and standards of simple morality. Over a thousand insurrectionist walk the streets free after attempting a coup against the United States government in broad daylight on video, set free and cheered as heroes.

Vigilantes murder mentally ill people on subways, hang them on mountain tops outside of sun down towns and verbally and physically assault them in public and teach their children to do the same. And very few are held accountable when standing before another white judge.

Yet, millions of voters cry loudly about someone overstaying their visa or being a victim of a systemic pause on a basic solution to immigration, which is not a crime. They are literally watching people being taken off the streets and flown to countries they have no knowledge of. All stemming from the hatred and bigotry of one man who has lied on and tainted the humanity of millions of people; and defiantly ignoring a judge’s orders.

Police are killing people on video and in broad daylight and many times under the radar and getting away with it. Murders and deaths of people of color are happening and being called suicides, which are total lies. The police are murderers on and off duty, and still, the president and the entire justice system is giving them immunity and public recognition.


Let us talk Russia and the Ukraine, and how lies are being told and believed that Ukraine started the war and everyone in the world knows different. We watch warmongering nations fight it out because of resources, power, greed and control and of course, defying the rule of international law that protects human rights. Yet immigrants get treated like animals.

The world is watching a nation commit genocide against innocent people not involved in the conflicts of two nations but are being starved, gunned down, bombed and forced to leave their homes. All because another war criminal (prime minister of Israel), cannot take his foot off their necks and have mercy.

The ICC (International Criminal Court) has tried and convicted the Israeli prime minister and neither can he enter other countries, yet he is allowed on America soil because this president acts as a safe harbor of criminals. So, spare us all about some rule of law. Shut up about migrants being illegal with a court date as far out as two years and fees they cannot afford.

Simple amnesty would solve many problems of immigration instead of criminalizing people for simply being in this country. Yet people are actually angry because they have to see other cultures living alongside them. This is injustice within itself; a human injustice.

There is a man – an immigrant – tearing apart the foundation of the country based on the hyped-up notion of past war criminals of Naziism, and he is getting away with destroying the lives of hard-working people, veterans, the elderly and children, not only here, but all over the world. Yet many white folks in this country got nerve to yell about immigrants because they are not white.

We got bald face liars who own and control network television stations that purposely tell lies to their viewers in order to stir up hate and chaos in the country. Even though they have been proven in court to be nothing more than bad entertainers, yet people and businesses continue to broadcast their lies.

Please, shut the hell up about law and order when it seems no one in this country even understands what the concept means, how to administer it and themselves break every law on the books. Cheating, lying, stealing, and deceiving millions of people outright and blatantly disregard the truth and stand behind lies and injustice.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
