It is so obvious that the Republican Party cheat in almost every area of politics in order to maintain power. They are willing to do anything that neutralizes their opponents; the Democrats, minority and activist groups, and the average voter.

The question is why have no one called them out on this and passed laws and policies that address blatant cheating and lying? Some of the things they do to stay in control are evident and can easily be stopped if the people actually knew how they are cheating. Lawmakers are supposed to maintain a sense of ethics in politics and the mainstream media is suppose to inform the people of the deception involved.

Since the early eighties, the Republicans have designed media campaigns that lie on minority groups without addressing the actual facts, such as Black people are the largest recipients of social services when in fact rural whites have always been the largest group. Yet, the mainstream media allows the lie to linger.

They have blocked Supreme Court appointments by Democrats, common sense legislation and policy reforms and amendments that would drastically help the public and working families, using the age-old, outdated filibuster. They have gerrymandered hundreds of voting districts knowing good and well it is lopsided, and they go to the courts who justify their voting maps.

They are currently designing huge voter suppression laws based on a shear lie of mega proportions told by the 45th president, that the 2020 election was stolen. They are pushing voters off the roles claiming voter fraud when there is no evidence. Yet the mainstream media and some lower courts go along with this tragic psychopathological form of deception.


For instance, in Texas just recently, “A Latino voting rights group called Monday for a federal investigation after its volunteers said Texas authorities raided their homes and seized phones and computers as part of an investigation by the state’s Republican attorney general into allegations of voter fraud.”

They are actually raiding people’s homes, parading Black felons in front of television cameras in Florida, without conviction but based on suspicion and optics, and they have filed law suit after law suit to keep minorities and voter registration organizations from signing up new voters.

They conduct fake phone calls to troll residences using AI voices with misinformation; post flyers and mail in neighborhoods that confuse voters with false dates and times of voter registration and deadlines of casting their ballots, and they purchase hundreds of thousands of dollars of advertising on social media pushing blatantly false lies and incorrect information about candidates, minority groups, and news articles.

They are literally taking facts out of context, using made-up websites acting as legitimate news sources, and funding an army of conservative talk radio host that spew lying talking points made up of stereotypes, racial tropes, and name calling. Unfortunately, this is all they have in place of actual policy; lies, insults, and illegitimate court cases that are ridiculous and unconstitutional.

They do all this because no one will vote for their policies. People do not want higher healthcare cost, more debt, low wages, overpoliced communities, to send their kids overseas to war, religion in their business, fewer options for purchasing goods by capitalist monopolies, higher cost of utilities, power black outs, flood zones, polluted air, filthy water or dumbed down educational institutions.

People are finally waking up to the scam the Republican Party has been running for years. The trickle-down effect is not working and never has. It is time the Republican Party is called out for their lies and cheating the people. Hopefully the mainstream media will not turn their noses up in this next election and continue to lift up a dying party and lying candidate.

The Republican Party has shown the people who they are. They are racist, misogynous, xenophobic, religious hypocrites who only want power and privilege for white males. They will do whatever they can; lie, cheat, and steal to keep that power and undermine the existence of people of color, women, and anyone who disagrees with their policies.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
