The lies are constantly spreading and disillusion is high among MAGA voters as they attempt to persuade onlookers that Black men are rushing to the MAGA camp. This is deception and a huge case of misinformation.

There may be a very few Black men who have been paid well to misrepresent the Black male vote to the tune of royalty payments through click bait links and videos, or some who have been brainwashed like all the other MAGA voters, but in reality, no Black man in his right mind is going to vote for someone who has given the go ahead for cops to shoot them in the back of the head.

You have to be a complete fool to support a politician who wants to give carte blanche immunity to racist cops during an extremely racist climate as the US streets. Guaranteed that if a MAGA or any white person ask any Black man if they support such a person, they would say hell no.

Lies like this, “Black men have been taken for granted by the Democratic Party for years, but President Trump’s message is resonating at historic levels because he is doing the work,” said Janiyah Thomas, Black media director for the Trump campaign:” is foolishness.

Black men did not fall for the golden gym shoes, the mug shot, or the fake rappers standing behind the 45th president. That is all a lie from hell.


All the fake memes and videos of Black men talking crap about Kamala and her prosecutor past are nothing more than infiltrators backed by bigots of misinformation. Additionally, all these so-called Black activists who talk against Harris and indirectly support MAGA are delusional and have no actual past living in the hood.

They talk a good game of knowing the Black experience but if they are on the fence about who to put their support behind politically, they are not really Black, they are made by the same people who want their asses in prison or dead.

Spare us all with the nonsense of the Black male vote being up for grabs this election season, or any election season. Black men are going to vote for or support anyone who does not want them dead or in prison, or wants to return them to the fields of free labor.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
