Hate and recklessness is breaking through this administration and will reap the appropriate response. Advisors to the president are suggesting massive round ups, incarceration, military and vigilante activity against immigrants, some who may not be illegal.
“A group of prominent military contractors, including former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince, has pitched the Trump White House on a proposal to carry out mass deportations through a network of “processing camps” on military bases, a private fleet of 100 planes, and a “small army” of private citizens empowered to make arrests.
Prince and Mathews use the first several pages of the proposal to address why the White House should consider their bid, echoing Trump’s rhetoric, including unsubstantiated claims that Democrats have used immigration to gain an electoral advantage, that migrants commit more violent crime, and that illegal immigration has placed “unimaginable burdens” on state welfare systems, public education systems and country’s economy.”
Again, without aforethought, white men with low self-esteem and ego problems are on the attack against people who cannot defend themselves against military marching orders. From the top down to the streets, other white men will be hunting people who look a certain way, taking phone calls and false witness reports of neighbors minding their business.
Out of sheer hatred under the glory of power, the plan is put into place that has all the logistical answers with the haste of foolishness, but lack common-sense. This will ignite not only protest around the country, where protesters will faceoff with local law enforcement empowered with military grade weapons, but will ignite small street battles between neighbors, militia men and immigrant resistance.
In other words, this is the dumbest plan ever, that will bring nothing but confusion, fear and violence in the long run. It is a plan that only hateful people can conjure up in the darkness of their wicked minds on their beds at night. It is a plan that ignores the future of the economy and the greed of corporations that depend on cheap labor.
“But the pitch for rapid-fire deportations includes a slew of suggestions that appear to ignore key facets of the nation’s complex immigration laws, according to three former immigration and government officials who reviewed the proposal.”
It also ignores the fact that immigration could have been handled years ago through more logical and bipartisan legislation by any president who took humanity into consideration instead of fantasies of cruelty. “In order to save the U.S. economy, the nation has to eject as many of these illegal aliens as quickly as possible, they wrote.”
This is their plan.
DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE