The hate and fear of non-white cultures comes mainly from European countries. First of all, there would be no immigration to these white countries if the said white countries had not plundered and terrorized the countries the immigrants are from. Middle Eastern, African, East Asian, and South American countries are and have been targets of European imperialism for centuries.

And now that the people who once occupied these foreign lands are being plunged into poverty, war, and internal conflict and are seeking to escape, the European countries are complaining about the migrations. The rule of natural law says that you reap what you sow, and this is what is happening.

It is logically justified that citizens of nations impoverished by western corruption look to the very nations that impoverished them for relief. In other words, they caused the need to move away so they should bare the burden of its aftermath. Looking at North and South America, this is clearly the case.

The political and military strongholds the United States has on the economic well-being of the South has caused nations in the South to sacrifice and negotiate their politics and economies to withstand US capitalism and colonization. They withstand sanctions, embargoes, and veiled threats of war and international bullying in order to even retain rights to their own resources.

Another phenomenon of the fear and hate toward immigrants of non-white countries is that Europeans do not seem to understand how to relate to and appreciate other cultures around the world. They apparently seem to fear them and refuse to understand other ways of life. They view other cultures as strange, uncivilized and even evil to an extent that they feel the need to destroy them.


This mentality is one that has caused wars, genocides, slavery, terrorism and other inhumane ways of wiping out entire cultures, taking lands from indigenous peoples, and establishing European strongholds and military bases around the world. They fear for their own lives always expecting retaliation from those oppressed foreign lands. This is a people devoid of humanity on a most basic, natural level.

European peoples are, and have been fed misinformation by their leaders for centuries about the intentions and history of other nations because they lack the know-how to relate and assimilate civilly with their human neighbors. So, millions of people have a deep hatred and fear of people from other countries and cultures they have not even met or associated with. This is a sad reality.

The so-called rise of immigrants in the United States and the EU are manufactured by politicians to keep the people in fear and uneducated to what true cultural assimilation means. They cannot and have no desire to learn about other cultures to enhance their humanity but would rather tune in to the hate rhetoric to the point of killing people for no reason other than skin color and beliefs.

This is who they are, and who they have always been throughout history.

Europeans are a people afraid of others and are intent on maintaining a lie they have conjured up like sorcery to maintain power over the world. There is no reason on this earth that individuals should not be able to see a person of another culture and respect them, instead of hate them for no reason other than social media postings, or hold them responsible for their economic problems. And Europeans wonder why they are hated around the world and sometimes sporadically attacked.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
