People in the US are sick and tired of being exploited by politicians and corporations. We know that corporations bribe politicians and get all the benefits of government tax breaks. We know that even the courts rule in favor of billionaires and the wealthy. And we are on the verge of exploding into true revolution.

People are online crying literally, about their expenses and wages and how they are struggling to live a normal life. We want lower grocery prices, the ability to buy a freaking house, and to educate ourselves without going into tremendous debt. We want to be healthy and not be experimented on by pharmaceutical companies, agricultural companies, and overpaid physicians.

We are tired of the vicious lies and political antics played by the most lying and corrupt person in America and how the mainstream media pacifies his ego, afraid to call out his foolishness. We are tired of living under the threat of angry white militia groups seeking to bully their neighbors and people who are just trying to mind their own damn business.

The country has turned into a theater of make believe and reality television. People need real, affordable healthcare, affordable housing, food, gas, and a peace of mind instead of the constant threat of losing our way of life in this so-called democracy. Damn! Why can’t the people live in peace without the media playing Hollywood and casting actors and staging drama all the damn time? Introducing doom and gloom at every election.


Someone needs to visit some of these corporations or email them and ask them if they have enough money yet, and when will enough be enough and to let people earn enough to make a decent living. We know there is enough work to go around for the people in this country if politicians would construct factories and actually make things here in this country and not overseas. Stop lying about the jobs.

We are tired of wars and helping other countries in their wars and tired of the US interfering in other country’s business. Leave well enough alone and let the world and its inhabitants live in peace. Stop the coops, the bombing campaigns and the sanctions and embargoes, trying to hurt and kill the economies of other countries just to steal their resources.

The game is up. The people know the truth and are highly pissed off. We don’t even care who is president, just get shit done. What will it take for the elite and the wealthy to realize that what they are doing is driving the country into the ground by overworking the average family so the wealthy can buy yachts, spaceships, and private homes on islands. We know what is happening and are sick and tired. Prepare for your own making of a revolution never seen in the history of this country.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
