If the question of whether a man can become a King in this country becomes a case before the Supreme Court of the United States, this country has truly sunk to a comedic level. If the justices of the Supreme Court of the land have to determine whether this man can have all power over the country and its “subjects,” it is time for those who believe in freedom to either leave, restructure the Constitution, or shut this whole thing down by force.
It takes a serious level of true intelligence to decide such a case. If the justices do not possess that level, they should not be on the courts. If they dare attempt to take this case and answer this question, they have violated not only the Constitution but failed the greatest history test ever. If they allow a bunch of thug voters to threaten them into appointing a King to lead, they are truly failing humans unfit for judging the land.
This is the most ridiculous situation, likened to something out of some children’s story book; living in the minds of people who apparently have not finished watching Saturday morning cartoons. The ignorance is astounding. But apparently, “The White House sees few, if any, limits on President Trump’s executive powers in his second term, but the federal court system is much less sure.”
At least there are some on the lower courts who have graduated from Saturday morning cartoons and come into the real world who take life seriously. However, “Trump’s mass firings and dismantling of various independent agencies has run into hurdles in the judiciary, where the courts seem unamused with the “King” Trump idea that some of the president’s allies have turned into social media memes.”
“A President who touts an image of himself as a ‘king’ or a ‘dictator,’ perhaps as his vision of effective leadership, fundamentally misapprehends the role under Article II of the U.S. Constitution,” U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell wrote in one ruling rebuking Trump this week, pointing to an image the White House shared on X depicting the president as royalty.”
Where are we living? In the 1500s? What is wrong with people in this country who believe that it would be a good thing if we had a king. Kings are no longer a choice in the nations of government, but self-centered fairy tale characters who have yet to understand how to run a civilized society and think it is all about them. This is what is taught in elementary school, not practiced in the real world of the twenty-first century.
“After Trump’s first term, he pushed the bounds of power for former presidents, taking his case over presidential immunity to the Supreme Court amid four criminal indictments. Despite the administration only eking out a few successes in the trial courts, several judges have indicated they are just pit stops on the road to the Supreme Court, acknowledging that the high-stakes battles are destined to be decided by the justices, three of whom Trump has appointed.”
How apparent are the nuances of favoritism, bribery, and injustice? This is a complete joke to humanity and a serious insult to the critical thinking skills of millions of Americans who are adulting. Why should anyone trust in or take seriously an administration that wants to ask the Supreme Court if they can have a king? Seriously?
“The administration has hoped the high court’s conservative supermajority will ultimately agree with Trump’s expansionist view of presidential power and place the lower judges in check. In a rare public statement, the Federal Judges Association (FJA) criticized an increase in threats to judges.”
A population that has begun to threaten judges with violence because they cannot have a king deserves to be challenged not only in the halls of justice, but on a street level and in a back alley. This is not going to end well if the Supreme Court decide to give this man all authority in a moment of childish regression undercutting their years of legal education. What a waste of the human mind, the people’s time, and tax dollars. Maybe if they had not allowed money into politics in the first place, we would not be in this situation.
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