It cannot be any clearer that the current leaders of the United States are cowards who have bowed to a strongman and betrayed the people they swore to protect. Who throw the book at minorities and hide their hands, but ignore criminal activity of the upper echelon, make up laws for their own benefit, but for the oppression of those not born of European descent. All their darkness has come to the light.

These are men who protect their feelings against the humiliation of their past and present injustices against others. They even make laws to protect their hurt, pain and embarrassment by silencing opposition of those who take note and proclaim. They play the long game by extending court cases until the public is exhausted and pardon the crimes and injustices of the duly convicted and video captured guilty; yet they persecute any others who commit the same, but have no money to lie louder.

They build personal, prison systems to incarcerate people of color with false accusations and trumped-up charges just to employ young white boys in rural areas to become new age overseers; fulfilling some new age slavery fantasy video game. Then they offer stock options to middle class white home owners. They hire racist white boys to police the communities of people of color then kill them on television to draw protest so they can holler about riots and unruly people who protest against their injustice and hate.

They rerun scenes of urban fires over and over an attached names of different cities to the same footage. They lie and propagandize and fearmonger 24/7. They turn and attach extreme names to the people who protest and call them terrorist to further frighten their base of rural and suburban white folks, like they did with the Isis illusion and the caravan threat. They project these things because it is in their nature to escape any accountability for the wrongs they do to these people, but they have no consciences to clear.

They stole the word “Woke,” from the streets and use it to hide their disdain for social justice and civil and human rights. They have literally demonized a good thing and made it the fear of their cultist base, twisting the concepts of right and wrong right before the nation’s eyes. What a disgraceful show of cowardness, social recklessness and irresponsibility.


They have gone deeper into hiding their shame by banning books about the inhumane history of this country and the failures of their ancestors, redacting the achievements of people of color; and they have strong armed national institutions into changing history lessons and archives in schools of elementary to higher learning so their children will not see how deranged their parents were in the past. The shame has consumed their minds and perception of reality.

These are things cowards do and people who seek to project their evils onto innocent people. They are currently changing media reports and headlines to feed the dark lust of their followers to believe lies and misinformation topped with propaganda and untruths. People will have to be extra vigilant when listening and reading by grasping a hold of reality so not to sink into the sea of disinformation. Stay sane and close to what you see each day instead of the lies pushed through mainstream and social media and false government reports headed by people with no experience.

They are attributing accomplishments of others to people who have done nothing but degrade those who do good. They are telling lies about who did what and when. They are twisting the facts solely for the purpose of fooling their base into believing they are actually doing something good for the country when in reality they are destroying its foundation brick by brick. And the sad thing is their base happily and willingly believe the lies, so long as it pacifies their hunger for deception and lying wonders.

Even their preachers and prophets are liars; who hold tight to falsehoods and illusions of the sorcerer in chief that they have exalted to leadership and as a false god to rule over them. They preach lies and falsify dreams that have no bases in spiritual truth or inspiration but follow after diviners who conjure up delusions and images of idols. This is an evil that will spiritually kill the souls of millions. Yet they will not go unpunished.

This is what cowards do who have no grasp of reality and would rather live in a dream state unattached from the real world. They have no more answers, no solutions, no way out of their dark holes, and they are lost, wandering around without light and without guidance except for being driven by evil, hate, and lies. As a bystander in this current, wicked country, please stay tuned to a better world coming soon after the trumpets have been blown and the earth has passed away. Your deliverance is coming. Please pray.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
