It is ironic how both political parties have backed themselves into a corner with the immigrant crises. The Democrats are accused of bussing, flying, and opening the borders to millions of immigrants and the GOP has been sending these immigrants to blue states and cities to spite and own the Democrats.

The GOP is accusing the Democrats of bringing in migrants to register them to vote for Democrats but they never mention that corporations are the ones using them for cheap labor. People are complaining that the migrants are getting all the government assistance over American citizens but fail to mention that corporations, such as banks, mortgage companies and car dealers pay politicians for that specific service.

What the public hears about instead is whining about crime and overcrowding but at the same time the police continue to harass and profile Black Americans, as in the Tyreek Hill traffic stop situation in Florida. Well, it seems the police forces of America have their work cut out for them dealing with illegal immigrants instead of the Black population, one would think.

There is no talk of which immigrants should be targeted, however, only the brown ones from south of the border or from darker countries instead of those coming from more white countries. Those who are already here illegally and those who have overstayed their work and education visas, currently in universities and those who are working in prominent positions of authority; especially the wealthy ones, such as certain social media platform owners.

Yes, give the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) something to do other than kiss the ring of a wannabe dictator and profiling the Black communities. Let them do their jobs and fight the fight they set themselves up for in the urban areas, soon to come to rural and suburban areas. This has to be one of the most hypocritical and irresponsible forms of racism this country has implemented in decades.


Divide and conquer seems to be at the top of the political list this election season and into the future of this country, bringing hate, police brutality, worker exploitation and community dysfunction to low-income areas. They set this up perfectly to secure the jobs of bigoted and racist police, corporate overlords, and politicians to get their fill of bloodthirst capitalism and trigger-happiness.

Now all of a sudden, the lies and misinformation is spreading around the country about immigrant gang problems with instigators encouraging Black gangs and white vigilantes to fight for their communities and country. Spoon-fed white guys behind their computers are resorting to racial animosity instead of calling for the police and the proper government agencies to do their dam jobs.

This country is full of ignorant and bigoted leaders who have nothing better to do than stir up strife and division among the people in order to strengthen their own power levels of white supremacy. Not to mention the fact that most of the immigrants are not criminals, but are recruited by corporations to work low-paying jobs under a brutal system of an illegal labor force.

Never has there been an effort to confront the source of the problem, i.e., the countries from which they come, with diplomatic negotiations with other nations to solve the problem, no, America’s politicians would rather create a problem for their own benefit instead of solving it from a logical perspective. What a shame and a sham.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
