The X platform, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, has been transformed into a stronghold of grievances and rants of socially inept white guys devoid of intellect and dislodged from reality. They constantly post contradictory opinions and alternative facts with the intent of distorting truth and misleading the public.

X is also a weapon of the wealthy to keep their poor, working class lackeys intact by further brainwashing them on the threat of people of color, immigrants, and terrorist coming to steal their cookies and take their jobs. They have succeeded in convincing people of low self-esteem and euro-cultural shame and guilt to project those feelings onto the people they fear the most.

Formally known as Twitter, and its bright blue and white bird icon that once symbolized social cohesion, and gave way to traditional and respectable political opinion, news, and commentary along with small and corporate business advertising and updates, and many millions of personal prospects on life, has now fallen as the last gathering place for a civilized world community.

The bird was seen on business vehicles, business cards, billboards as a place the public could visit to find out more about the business and to maybe comment on or even launch complaints about their service. It was a place that reporters and bloggers connected and shared resources and information about the world around us in good will.


Unfortunately, Musk and the white population that thrives on insults and cultural hatred, claim that they were not getting attention on Twitter and that their freedom of speech was being squashed by the “deep state,” so Musk is now a supposed abolitionist who has restored the freedom of speech to the world.

They could not handle that maybe people did not agree with them and did not “like” their tweets and opinions. Now, the freedom of speech they claimed they were deprived of is nothing more than foul words, political propaganda and a slew of elementary memes of insults. No solutions, good news, or public policy suggestions. Just hate and threats of Civil War.

He has turned the platform into his own personal spit bucket of lies and hate toward the Democratic Party and voters, which indirectly include women, people of color, and states and countries that talk bad about his products and entire existence.

He has the persona of an eight-year-old child with dreams of conquering the universe while his personal life lies a mess. He is the perfect example of how the wealthy controls the narrative and oppresses the working class and the poor by taking away their voice and drowning it with corporate control.

Admired by hundreds of thousands of incel white boys (guys who cannot attract women) and supremacist with the most insane and incoherent opinions, world and political views, they are all placed in an algorithm that exalts their rhetoric above any other voices, which is their way of owning the left and attacking the so-called “woke” mob, a figment of their massive imaginations.

Literal politicians, business people (mostly wealthy ones), and white supremacist plaster racist, Jim Crow-type posts to the public in hopes of recruiting more people like them, using male enhancement memes, pickup trucks (including Musk’s own cyber truck invention) and mid-life crises merch that testify to their fragile male egos.

Advice to those who do not frequent the platform a lot, stay away unless you want your day ruined and you come away depressed or angry with someone in the world. Despite claims by Musk that X has boomed in reader and membership, it has lost the most important element of respectable people, human decency, and businesses because of its vile content and hate-filled townhall conversations.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
