In a flex of judicial and political power and abuse of the Law, this nation – its Supreme Judges and lower courts, its lawmakers, lobbying groups and politicians – are setting themselves up for internal conflict and betrayal among themselves at a higher level than they think.

They use their power to intimidate the public in a show of force that restricts freedoms and rights to keep the public under control and in fear, and in a not-so-subtle way of warning the people they are in charge and there is nothing the people can do about it, using threats of Martial law and gunfire if they revolt. But they seriously lack forethought as to what their actions will truly bring upon this nation.

First of all, the public will not be affected as much as they wish, but the corruption will infect the upper levels of law and order first. Politicians, lawyers, judges and law enforcement will be the first to take advantage of the ease of corruption they have been given an opportunity to use. This means deception in laws, policies and lifestyle will become temptation by governors, senators, Congress people and so forth who see the acquittal of a president as a chance to commit the same crimes and walk away.

Intimate crimes such as adultery, domestic abuse, violent crimes and abuse against innocent people and maybe family members, theft of tax payer money, and land will all become common crimes among those who can afford them and who can pay their way out of the consequences. The public will not be affected because they do not have the money or access to the goodies.

The trickle-down effect will come into play when the public can clearly see their representatives are crooks, sex assaulters and abusers and are clearly stealing from them, taking advantage of their votes, lying to them and misrepresenting what they expect. Once this happens, the public will turn to crimes that will become a show of rebellion against the established order of government and corporate public oppression.


It is easy now for corrupt politicians and corporate owners to sit back on their yachts sipping and sexing and believing that they are untouchable because this is what happens when men become complacent with criminality at any level; from the street drug dealer to the Supreme Court. Men truly believe no retribution will come their way since they are clear of the law.

Unfortunately, that is not how life works. It may take a lifetime for consequences to come to thieves and liars but it will surely come, even on their deathbed when they realize that for all the deception and abuse of power they infused on the public, those things cannot help them when faced with those they have oppressed or during their dying moments. When men erase their consciences to avoid accountability in real life, it always catches up with them one way or another.

This spectacle of the last election and the past 10 years of political and legal corruption will surface with a vengeance very soon. “The Department of Justice’s long-awaited election interference report against Donald Trump, released early Tuesday, said the evidence against the president-elect would have led to his conviction at trial — if not for his election victory that led to charges being dropped.”

The refusal to impose law and order and the mafia-style playbook is not the flex they think it is against the American people. This level of ignorance will take control at the highest levels first and erode the foundation of law and order among themselves as they deceive, corrupt, and betray one another. In the end, the people affected by corruption will rise above the injustice and make the crooked places straight.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
