Why the Church Should Stay Out of Politics

The worst part is, the church has divided along doctrinal and ethical lines and split into two strongholds. They cannot agree on what to believe or how to behave.

Sep 2, 2024 - 18:15
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Why the Church Should Stay Out of Politics

The perfect example of this warning is what is happening in this country right now, in real time. The church has infiltrated the political arena so heavily that church members have retreated to offensive and defensive positions in a so-called spiritual war, which has taken on physical actions.

The worst part is, the church has divided along doctrinal and ethical lines and split into two strongholds. They cannot agree on what to believe or how to behave. One faction is adamantly patriotic, placing party over people, and the other is firmly set in placing people over party and country. This is a major contradiction and main reason the church should not be involved in politics.

The obvious result is both factions of the mainstream church is practicing a form of idolatry by pledging their allegiance to one person over the instructions of the Bible and the one they are supposed to be worshipping first, which is God. This has nothing to do with worldly constitutions or government law, but everything to do with obeying God’s word.

The bible clearly states; “Render therefore unto Cæsar the things which are Cæsar's; and unto God the things that are God's” St. Matthew 22:21. When Jesus spoke these words, he was in the process of teaching His disciples that the world government ask one thing of them while God is asking for something different. It is not a commandment or suggestion of God to vote in worldly elections.

They were not to mingle the two or give one more attention than the other. But clearly, the church today has cast off that lesson and run headlong into giving the world government more attention than they give God. Proof is how the mainstream church today does not comply with the Christian values required of God, but have resorted to strongholds of worldly knowledge, theories, and weapons both offensive and defensive.

Instead of loving and praying for their enemies of God, they are threatening them with words and physical violence, reciting and believing lies about them, showing animosity toward the opposing party and other non-Christian subcultures and religions, and apparently chosen sides based on skin color and ethnicity. The history of this country gives ample proof that racial segregation has been a traditional practice for hundreds of years to this day.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" Galatians 3:28. They ignore this also.

None of these are godly characteristics and show worldly traits of bigotry, hatred, and serious animosity toward the unbeliever. God’s people should show patience, longsuffering, (which means tolerance), goodness, gentleness, temperance and faith that God will reach out to the unbelievers to bring them salvation. Galatians 5:22.

Church people are supposed to give to the unfortunate instead of withholding from them. However, the political faction of the Christian church support political policies that take from the poor and give to the wealthy; they punish those who cannot defend themselves through enforcement of oppressive laws, (imprisoning the homeless), and they reject and demonize people who come from other lands and religions to find peace in this country.

Common sense says to look at the political policies that are written by men who profess to be Christian and line it up along side the instructions of the Bible and the commandments of God. They are opposed to one another in many ways. Though sin reigns supreme in both political parties (because Satan is the prince of the world), the Christian church cannot decipher between the two when practicing its religion.

They cannot seem to separate the two or judge righteously between the two when going to the ballot box or choosing a politician. The truth remains through God, the church, His people, are not supposed to love the things of the world or the pride of life, which embodies political power and social influence. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him” 1 John 2:15.

Nevertheless, God has an easy solution to the split of the church in its worldly form, which is, He knows who belongs to the true church, the body of Christ, and who belongs to the false church of the world. This is all that matters to the Lord. There will always be heretical religions and beliefs in the world and regardless of how deep they enter into worldly politics, they can never know the truth of God or His will for humanity. They are merely idolators.

MinisterCR A minister, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ for 34 years. Peace and love to all. Stay prayerful.