Using an obscene extra layer of normality of both major political parties, delayed court proceedings, contradictory expert analysis, and pretentious norms of a broken Democracy, the United States is basking in shame and crying from a deep cavern of denial.

Usually, when upstanding individuals are caught doing wrong and tarnish their polished reputation before their family, friends, and the public, they either retreat and soul search for a better them, or build a wall of denial using untruths and lies to cloak their shame.

After erecting centuries-long superior reputation around the world showcased by wealth and riches, and protected by a dominant military force, the United States has been exposed as a morally bankrupted nation based on flawed political and economic theories that were once admired by the world.

American Democracy and the system of capitalism is in question as legitimate structures after it was severely damaged by one man who attempted to restructure the US foundation and fashion it after his own personal vendettas and comic book world view.

Without explanation or backstory, just the last few words of this man and the non-actions of America’s three branches of government as relating to his most recent indictments for crimes committed against the nation he tried to destroy, reveals everything the world needs to know, that the United States is at its lowest point.


The lowest, because the fourth branch of the US government, the media, remains insistent on turning a blind eye to this man’s immorality and all those who think like him; in retrospect representing the moral failures of government, cultural morality, and its responsibility to its citizens and humanity. It is shameful.

Unfortunately, America chose to cloak its shame behind a great wall of denial; hiding behind legal rhetoric and excuses, ridiculous laws dating back to the founding, and media propaganda to sooth themselves and the masses and pretend everything is normal by publicizing pretentious proceedings of Democracy on trial using a mock rule of law.

Even after this man has threatened the government, expressed what he will do to his enemies if ever in office again, broken laws that any normal citizen would be in jail for, the media and politicians of this country leave a door open to him becoming president again. This has brought the US to its knees as the most pathetic nation in modern history.

At his most recent arraignment, Donald Trump was clearly warned not to threaten or try to retaliate against anyone connected in any way to the case. This being a story about Donald Trump, you probably know where things are going: He went and did it anyway.

“If You Go After Me, I’m Coming After You,” the disgraced ex-president said in a post on his Twitter clone, Truth Social.”

The only solution to this moral debasing is to imprison this man and those who enabled him, reverse laws put in place by him and his minions, and to pass new laws that protect the people and dismantle the interest of the powerful.

Sadly, this will not happen because of the amount of shame and the depth of denial US leadership has sunk to. Expect only a continued crumble of a once respected country into a pile of resentment, anger, and disorder.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
