Like an interwoven support group that grows with small donations from the members, the United States government collects taxes from its citizens in order to keep things running smoothly. Without this support, there would be no economic foundation for nonstop operation and progress in the land.

Working for a living is a concept as old as mankind and society expects every working person to contribute to the ongoing growth of the nation. Anyone who willingly refuses to contribute should not, and does not benefit from the conveniences and opportunities offered to those who earn it. This goes for the idle as well as the defiant.

Some citizen cynics attempt to escape paying taxes because they believe that the money going to the government is not being used properly and instead being horded by government and political leaders, so they try to escape paying taxes and keep their full gross income to themselves. They have obviously lost sight to the purpose of working and paying dues to keep society flowing.

White collar crime consists of people who go to extraordinary lengths to hide money from the government. They open bank accounts in other countries that have lower tax rates or no interest rates. They cheat on their taxes using accounting hacks to hide their full annual income. Corporations, billionaires, and elite criminals live behind an illusion of conspiracy theories to justify their criminal activity.

Every day, hard-working people rise up to put in a full day’s work to support their families. The taxes they pay go to the economic foundation of society in order to keep the wheels of productivity moving. When cheaters skirt the law, it makes things that much harder for working people because laws are past to deter criminal activity but eventually effects everyday working people through higher cost and increased public surveillance.


Officially, taxpayer money is used by the government to fund a wide range of public services, programs, and infrastructure. The allocation of tax revenue varies from one country to another and can vary within different levels of government (e.g., federal, state, and local levels in the United States). However, here are some common areas where taxpayer money is typically allocated:

Public services include amenities such as education, healthcare, law enforcement, and firefighting. Infrastructure taxes are used to build and maintain roads, bridges, public transportation systems, and utilities (e.g., water and sewage systems).

One use of government taxes is commonly complained about and used as an argument against low-income workers and the poor, which is social welfare programs. Governments often allocate tax dollars to social safety net programs, including unemployment benefits, food assistance, and housing assistance to support vulnerable populations. But there are people who complain that their tax dollars should not go to help other people, which is basically selfish given any society needs a healthy workforce and will always have small percentage of the poor and struggling.

A significant portion of the budget in many countries goes toward national defense and security, including funding the military and intelligence agencies. Those who have a problem with using tax dollars to help others would prefer that money go toward the defense budget in case of war. But there are reports that military spending is wasteful and spread among private contractors instead of the actual military needs and service members.

Healthcare, in some countries, tax revenue is used to fund public healthcare systems for the benefit of a healthy workforce, unlike the United States, which may support health insurance programs or subsidies to make healthcare more affordable; and to offer incentives to corporations to help pay healthcare cost for employees.

Pensions and Social Security taxes provide financial support for the elderly and disabled. The increase in the elderly population in the country who can no longer work have contributed to this fund over the course of their working life. Politicians are calling this fund an entitlement instead, as if it is free money given away by the government, and claiming it should be done away with because the government can no longer fund it, but this is not true. As stated, this is funded by working people’s payroll taxes over a lifetime of labor.

Public education taxes often support public schools and universities, funding teachers, educational resources, and school facilities. Those who fight against taxes are attempting to do away with this aspect of public support also, in an attempt to privatize them and siphon off the money parents pay for schooling for themselves. But public education has always been an institution in the US and have produced a well-educated workforce in the past.

Tax money is sometimes used to pay interest on the national debt; also, public transportation, such as buses and trains to make them more accessible and affordable to the public, are also subsidized by government taxes. Clean water, air and other environmental programs are subsidized by government taxes to keep people safe from pollution and disease.

Many cultural and recreational programs may be allocated to support arts and culture, museums, parks, and recreational facilities, all for the interest of the general public. Unfortunately, many who fight against taxes want to control those endeavors also specifically for personal profit instead of by government funding.

It’s important to note that the allocation of tax revenue can vary based on government policies, economic conditions, and the specific needs of a country’s population. Citizens often have a say in how tax dollars are spent through their elected representatives, who create and approve government budgets. Additionally, government transparency and accountability are critical to ensuring that taxpayer money is used efficiently and for the benefit of the public.

Those who complain about and avoid paying taxes privately lobby politicians and launch expensive political campaigns to change tax laws for their benefit, irrespective of what the public needs or wants. They undermine the age-old tradition of hard work and societal support by desiring to take control of the system for themselves to extract wages of working people into their own personal bank accounts.

“A new report from the European Union claims thousands of the world’s richest billionaires consistently use legal loopholes and shell companies to conceal wealth to avoid paying their full share of taxes.”

Given this effort is criminal by nature, the penalty for such disregard for social development should be either having their citizenship revoked or jail time. They should become citizens of the countries they seek to emulate that have little to no tax laws instead of working from the inside to destroy an already functioning government experiment.

If a person cannot respect the foundation of the country they live, and finds a problem with contributing to its social and economic development, they have lost any sense of humanity and have veered into a dark world of sociopathology based on greed and a lust for power. They have no place in a civilized nation but belong in an under-developed land.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
