Voters have cast their ballots in their hearts already. Nothing from this point on can move or sway any voters from their positions more than one degree. Though the Blue side have the numbers in the general population, Red voters are immovable from their stance and have sunk deeper into the political quicksand of MAGA ideology. Hey, this is about white supremacy and pride, otherwise a man of this reputation would never qualify for the Presidency of the United States.

Justified by an immigrant billionaire who purchased an entire social media platform to uphold racist ideology and hate, and who would be this man’s right hand if elected, this speaks volumes about how the wealthy and the hateful refuse to relinquish power. How they vilify and lie on decent, hardworking people; how the political and justice system is riffed with corruption. This is about white pride, not policy.

On their side are powerful wealthy, political and judicial forces standing in the same quicksand of white pride, which says, “we cannot allow our power and influence to diminish.” Regardless of how ratchet their party becomes; no matter how vile and disgraceful they portray themselves to the world, they are willing to wear that badge to maintain white supremacy, and to own the Libs.

The media will lie to uphold this false image. Church leaders will lie and disregard the very book of values they teach from. Voters and politicians will invent and believe lies about their opponents, and judges, lawyers, and the police will abandon their oaths and values to uphold this power over people they cannot accept as their equals, let alone superiors.

Though their stance goes against anything biblical, decent, or humane in many ways, or even against internationally agreed laws of humanity, they have convinced themselves that their behavior is self-righteous enough to overshadow the few claims they see as liberal abominations, abortion and homosexuality. However, their own abominations are many and are reflected in one quote by Jesus Himself.


“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” St. Matthew 24:12.

Meaning, the harder they push their agenda, the less loving and honest they become; they have to. The world will only get worse and not better. Love being the most needed power in this world has been abandoned by their group, which manifest more iniquity through hate, lies, bigotry and violence. Iniquity abounds when people stop loving and start hating one another and when people stiffen their necks in acts of rebellion.

Abortions will continue because people will not submit to laws they see as unjust. Homosexuality will continue and increase because people will lust to live their lives against what they deem as forced religion on their lives, and the sins of sexual immorality is at the base and drives it all because the sexual revolution is not over. It is Satan’s greatest weapon against an undisciplined and ungodly nation. Evil does not abide by the law.

Another great accomplishment by the devil himself is the delusion that one race of people are greater than any other race on this earth. He has worked this lie for centuries and ground it deep into the minds of European peoples around the world. It has spread to other cultures of people who also tend to believe this lie or live to fight against it.

This false power has taken hold of the American psyche and caused deep divisions and anguish throughout the country for families and generations at a time. It is a force that has controlled this land since its founding and refuses to relinquish its power to those they deem unworthy. Though love and neighborly kindness struggles against this lie generation after generation, this force of white supremacy and pride has held on and is now burrowing from beneath the earth to rise again.

It does not matter what policies the Red or Blue team throw at the public, the conscious of white pride is a stronghold on the minds of people who refuse to accept brotherly or neighborly love. It shows in churches and all other systems that operate in this country, even though it is denied vehemently. Arguments can be as solid as ever; facts can stand strong against misinformation, and truth can blow down lies day after day, the hard reality is none of that matters to a people determined to maintain a false and illegitimate sense of power. Even against video evidence.

No, this is not about Democrat or Republican policies, values or beliefs. This is about white pride not willing to give up their power and submit to a people they truly believe are beneath them. It is about a people who think they have a right to control others and who believe they alone have the brains to do so. It is a sad attempt of a people ashamed of who they really are and who do not understand how to act any other way accept brutish, violent, and deceitful.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
