Here are four lies being told about the Trump administration that are easily refuted and can and will stand the test of time for years to come. The truths are irrefutable because the lies against them are too unbelievable and goes against the natural law of seeing and hearing is believing.

  1. The January 6th insurrection was a peaceful protest because the police invited the insurrectionist in for a tour. People all over the country seen the storm of Trump supporters onto the capital building. With our own eyes, we saw them tear through the building and fight like hell to do so. We saw people hurt, being hurt and fist throwing, flag poles, and mace being shot at police officers. Anyone who claims or believes this was peaceful is so far gone and mentally delusional. People actually heard the rioters yelling to hang Mike Pence with Trump flags flying.
  2. Trump did not say there were very fine people on both sides, referring to the Charlottesville march. Again, millions of people heard him say what he said and there can be no take backs on such language. He said it, he meant it, and he was clearly referring to the protesters and the rioters. There were not fine people on both sides, but only on one side, which were those who protested the bigoted march. Skeptics claim Trump was talking about the two sides of the statue removals of confederate soldiers, but he was clearly talking about the marchers and the protesters.
  3. Trump has been the victim of two assassination attempts. It is so obvious that Trump is staging these so-called attempts on his life, or either the media wants the public to believe in something that is clearly unsubstantiated. It is all drama to gain clicks and follows for the media and to drum up false statistics that claim a close race in the presidential election and to keep the horse race going. This is also an insult to the intellect of the American voter. People are not this stupid.
  4. The presidential elections are rigged in favor of the Democrats. This is the strategy of a sore loser, who will always claim the system is rigged against them before, during, and after the race or any game is played. Kids do this in elementary school when they know they are going to lose. They set the stage for others to doubt the outcome of the games. This is childish, stupid and another insult to the American citizen intellect. Ironically, elections are only rigged when the conservatives lose, but not when they win.

It is insulting to the intellect of millions of people to gloss over what really happened on these days and in these situations, and those who think the American people are this stupid should never be given a public platform to spew their lies. Though they do have an audience who will believe anything they hear, these people are intentionally being ignorant and refuse to do any research for themselves.

Here are a few other lies that can easily be refuted:

Trump built a wall. There is no sign of a wall standing at the border, only fragments.

He has a healthcare plan. He never brought forth a healthcare plan and never planned on it, and still has not.


Trump’s economy was good. The economy was inherited from the Obama administration, stabilized, and crashed after Covid hit. Gas prices went down because no one was driving or going to work. It is that simple

Lies about immigrants. From the start of his campaign, his animosity has been toward immigrants of the brown persuasion but not the white ones. This is obvious to any thinking person.

Lies about sex change operations. Kids are not going to school and coming home the opposite sex.

Lies about crowd size. His crowd sizes may have been large in the beginning of his short-lived triumph, but they later died down significantly as he showed his true colors, ignorance and bigotry. His own people turned against him and he lost half his voting block after January 6th.

Lies about after birth abortions. There is no such thing as a baby being aborted after they have been born. This is against the law and would be consider infanticide.

Lies about taking away guns. The conservatives have been talking about the Dems taking their guns for years and no politicians or congress or senate have passed any laws to such effect. In fact, gun ownership has significantly increased.

Lies about crime stats. Crime has been dropping over the past 30 years from the high crime rates of the late 80s and early 90s. This is a way to fearmonger and scare white people into voting for law and order, police brutality and immunity.

Lies about project 2025. There are videos that show Trump knowing about and going along with Project 2025. People with eyes have seen it and can verify its truth.

Again, the conservatives lie because the people do not like their policies or their so-called hypocritical Christian values. There are many more lies he has told and are easily refuted but there is not enough paper in the world and regardless, there will always be a segment of the population who would rather believe the lies in the face of facts and video and audio, because it validates their hate for the same people he hates. It is elementary.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
