This article is going to be easy to write because it is backed by facts and the words from the mouths of confessed American Christians. Starting at the top of the list of Christian hypocrites, is John MacAuthur, who is admired and often quoted by many infamous theological preachers and many Youtube minion false preachers.

If you or someone you know follow either of these men, any of the New Apostolic Reformation false apostles, Franklin Graham, Robert Jefferies, Voddie Baucham, Paula White, Greg Locke, or some of the Youtube false preachers such as Marcus Rogers, Troy Black, Corey Minor, Allen Parr, or any so-called follower of any of these people, you are on your way to Hell unless you repent and get right with the Lord. You are truly in darkness and have been blinded by idolatry.

The reason is because they have betrayed Jesus Christ and His doctrine and have set their hearts on supporting a man, they actually believe was chosen by God, to lead this nation. Had they not claimed God chose him, this would not persist. But their claim in itself is a lie. When God calls someone to so something for Him today, He saves them first and trains them for the work He has. He DOES NOT pull someone off the street like He did in the Old Testament, where these false preachers claim Trump was called after the order of Cyrus, a ruler of the Persian nation. In-depth study of the word will reveal this to anyone who has the Holy Spirit of God and of truth. All the disciples were called of God and saved with the Holy Ghost.

These men who claim this and have put away the truth of the Word to follow a sorcerer who has and will continue to deceive this nation, are going to regret ever lying on God. Their excuse is that Christians should do their social duty and vote for the lesser of two evils by casting their vote for the 45th president. This betrayal of the gospel of Christ has led them down a dark road where they have resorted to insults, blatant and subtle racial bigotry, and a distorted discernment of God’s will and purpose for humanity. They have left off teaching salvation and sound doctrine and are now teaching heresies of the political order.

Regardless of who is running for president on either side, both sides practice evil on their own terms, true believers should not resort to name calling such as they have against the female Democrat candidate referring to her as a Jezebel, a witch, low IQ, ignorant, and other insulting epithets. They learn this from their idol Trump. This is not Christian behavior and believers are instructed to “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4, though it is seriously questionable whether any of these men are true Christians at all. But the name calling is not the most egregious of their actions, it’s the hypocrisy that reeks of ignorance and extreme bias without an ounce of thought but based on stereotypes. Let us start with the hypocrisy of John MacArthur.


In response to an interviewer, when asked about the policies of Kamala Harris, he says in answering about the supposed incident at her rally claiming she did not want Jesus there, MacArthur clarified, “No, I’m not saying that Jesus is not Lord over the universe. I’m not saying that Jesus is more Lord over the Republicans, but I’m telling you He’s not there, not when you kill babies and mutilate children and destroy marriage.”

Ok, their top talking point of why people and mainly Christians should vote for Trump is because of the Democrat’s stance on abortion, killing babies, yet none of them ever talk about the killing of live children such as the massacre of Palestinian children by their supported Israeli military or the in school shootings happening every year in this country, or the many children who were aborted by conservative women throughout the 90s and early 2000s and the pastors and conservative men who have paid for abortions for their mistresses. Though abortion is wrong, they have left off all other forms of murder. Abortion is not a greater murder than any other murder. This shows their ignorance and unwillingness to use critical thinking skills.

They do not talk about the pedophilia going on by Catholic Priest, church youth pastors and clergy and how this so-called Christian country has the highest rates of child trafficking in the world. Neither do they protest about the high divorce rates in this country when speaking on the destruction of the family, the spousal abuse, the sexual immorality that engulfs this country’s youth and marriages; or the domestic violence among men and their wives that has reached alarming rates. But they are sure to mention abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism, which are a small portion of this nation’s many, many sins. This is called hypocrisy.

Then he says this; “You take the best of maybe not the best choices,” he said. “Who would do the most damage to the family? Who would do the most damage to children? Who would do the most damage to the culture? Who would do the most damage to morality? Who would put us in a most insecure and unsafe position when [the] government is designed to protect law-abiding people and punish evildoers?”

He is referring to Kamala Harris doing this damage to the country yet ignores how another Trump presidency would contribute to each of these areas and in a much harsher way. He has already damaged the family by dividing families with lies, misinformation during COVID, separation of mothers from children at the border, allowing police to murder Black men who are then taken from their children. He has completely destroyed the culture in this country by dividing people along racial, income, political and religious lines; damaged morality by causing anxiety, stress and emotional pain to people worries about whether he is going to become a brutal dictator by causing civil strife and chaos in the land as he did in 2020 during the George Floyd protest. This man is a menace to society and many millions of people in this country know he is as well as his own administration members. This also, is hypocrisy, yet they still find him worthy. If anything, they should not vote for him just to get rid of him if they can ever acknowledge he is a threat to this country’s well-being.

Who would put us in a most insecure and unsafe position with government? He would, and his rank-and-file brownshirts who would do his bidding at suppressing the people regardless of what freedoms they feel they have. He would unleash police giving them immunity to shoot and kill people without any evidence of whether they are innocent or not. Are white racist militia and confessed Nazis, who he thinks are good people, law abiding citizens? Hell no, and MacArthur knows this. He is a liar and in serious denial. He actually advocates for police brutality calling them ministers of God to take vengeance on the people he believes are criminals, who are merely people who protest police brutality. This is extreme hypocrisy and a distortion of righteous judgment.

Many of the people on the above list of so-called Christian leaders also believe the same thing he does and they teach these false doctrines and misguided opinions to hundreds of thousands of followers, church members, and their subscribers. They ignore any factual evidence that maybe Trump is mentally deranged and have plans to turn this country into his own personal Nazi regime in order to take vengeance on anyone who opposes him or who is of a darker hue than his many white followers. They are in denial and in hopes of him rolling back time to a place when whites had legal authority to talk down to and possible kill people who do not submit to their shouts on demand. It will not go that easy for these wannabe bullies and womanizers.

These men are of their father, the devil, “who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:4. Their man is clearly carrying an antichrist spirit that they have dismissed as some kind of locker room behavior. They lie, speaking words without facts. They fearmonger, threatening and damning people who do not vote for their idol or think like them, and they take people’s money as reward for their greed. They have no truth in them or they could see that the man they idolize is a basic street conman who lies constantly to get money and pacify his ego.

They constantly push people to consider his policies, which are delusions of a Christian people who are thirsty for persecution. They claim they are being persecuted and their rights are being taken away and that women who get abortions and trans people and homosexuals are a threat to the lives of their children and their future. This is all fearmongering. They have only started this confusion since 2016 when their messiah was risen, but before that, in the 1970s and eighties, they said nothing about either subject, not a damn thing. These are only excuses to gain power over a people who have rejected them in all manner of life. People do not respect the church institution any longer because they have been found to be hypocrites, liars, and money hungry thieves robbing the people.

They are cowards who have nothing better to do than whine about their Christian rights while there is no such threat against their rights. Want to talk about persecution for being who you are? Let us talk about being Black in this god-forsaken country. Are Christians pulled over for driving while Christian? Are they pulled over and searched for walking down the damn street? Are they chased and shot down for being accused of being somewhere they are not regularly seen by bigots thirsty to kill a N-word? Hell no. Christians are not being persecuted; this is also a big lie. Then they have nerve to publish some policy changes they want through Trump in an article on the Christian Post entitled, “5 notable provisions in the 2024 Republican Party Platform.” Listen to this list of hypocritical hot mess.

  1. Suggests states have responsibility to implement pro-life laws

“We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process.” The platform section on abortion concludes with a vow to “oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”

Does the “no person” clause include minorities when they come face to face with racist police, or does “no person” only mean unborn children? Of course, children have a right to life, that is a given so this country should have never allowed abortion of the first place. The lie comes in when they say they support policies of prenatal care, birth control, and IVF treatments. They will soon go after those rights also. They lie about late term abortion because it has been outlawed years ago.

  1. Vows to fight against LGBT ideology, removes any mention of same-sex marriage

“Republicans Will End Left-wing Gender Insanity.” It specifically states: “We will keep men out of women’s sports, ban Taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries, and stop Taxpayer-funded Schools from promoting gender transition, reverse Biden’s radical rewrite of Title IX Education Regulations, and restore protections for women and girls.”

This fight is a non-battle because the LGBTQ population in this country is less than 1 percent and not a threat to anyone but those who fear them. There are only isolated incidences they talk about in the schools and sports. It is not a national crisis. Why Evangelicals fear this small population is beyond understanding because the scripture says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7. This abomination is going to come to pass regardless as prophesy and as a curse on this country because they refuse to repent for their original sins and have turned from the truth to believe lies. “…who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.” Romans 1:25-28. This is in retribution to stagnating the US population, along with abortion.

  1. Calls for creation of ‘Federal Task Force on Fighting Anti-Christian Bias’

“A new Federal Task Force on Fighting Anti-Christian Bias that will investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against Christians in America.”

Again, want to talk about real discrimination, harassment, and persecution? Let’s talk about being Black or a minority in this country. The point is clearly made that the American Christian suffers from and extreme form of projection and denial. A task force should be created for the purpose of protecting minorities against hateful white men with guns who want to take away the right to Life, Liberty, and Due Process. Christians are NOT being persecuted at all.

  1. Includes support for parental rights in education

“Restore Parental Rights in Education, and enforce our Civil Rights Laws to stop schools from discriminating on the basis of Race.” “We will support schools that teach America’s Founding Principles and Western Civilization.” The document also signals support for universal school choice as well as the “First Amendment Right to Pray and Read the Bible in school.”

Parents have the right to have their children educated any way they deem fit; homeschooling, private schools, or public education choices. If one school is not teaching the curricula they want, they can go to another school. It is that simple. Furthermore, parents should teach their children the difference between right and wrong so they do not have to worry about what the government is teaching. But why worry about this, Trump says he will shut the Department of Education down anyway and charge people to go to religious schools for the indoctrination of this so-called “Founding Principles and Western Civilization.” This lesson will of course, exclude Black history and contributions to this country, the history of Native American genocide, and the colonization of the rest of the world’s resources to feed the brats in the US.

Pray at home. Read the Bible at home and teach your children to have respect for the rights of other people of different cultures. The problem is not Civil Rights, the problem is the bigotry that brought forth the need for Civil Rights. This is hypocrisy unfettered.

  1. Contains vow to preserve number of justices on the US Supreme Court

Maintaining power is their sole purpose of controlling the courts and pushing Christian nationalism. They will rearrange the US Constitution for their own benefits, not for the well-being of the rest of the country, but for white male Christian’s only. Nevertheless, if they get what they want in all these requests and have their idol rule over the country, here is a preview and prophetic word of what this nation will become. In fact, there is a bizarre longing to see them get their way just to see them suffer all the consequences this foolish overthrow will bring.

Because they are supposed men of God, and because they have claimed to high heaven that God called this man over this country, everything he does in office will be on their hands. Every death, murder, lynching, beating, police killing, rape, overdose, war, homeless person, poverty, illnesses, abortions, and all other things will be laid at their feet to take responsibility for. They cannot and they will not escape this claim and judgment.

They have betrayed Jesus Christ and all His teachings of loving thy neighbor, executing righteous judgment, and having mercy for those who are vulnerable. They make excuses and tell lies to carry guns. They make excuses to falsely imprison and brutalize the innocent, and they justify themselves using edited versions of the Holy Bible redone in their Theological seminaries and institutions. They commit adultery on their wives, bare false witnesses against the poor, fill their bank accounts by lying to people about God blessing them if they give more money. They fly around in jets, lounge on yachts, and build mega-churches and then turn around and make things hard for the least of the population, claiming they are being persecuted by the government while they steal from the government in their tax-exempt statuses.

These are thieves, crooks and liars, who teach false doctrine. “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.” St. Matthew 23:25. They have the nerve to protest the government and then support and attempt to overthrow that same government to set up a kingdom of God they claim are the Seven Mountain Mandates from God. This is a lie. Jesus distinctly said, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” St. John 18:36.

They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, serpents that are like their father the devil who is the father of lies. All those who follow these men and learn from them will face the judgment of God with the potential to be removed from the book of life, if they were ever in it. When immigrants are brutally rounded by Trump’s military, these men will be responsible. When Blacks and other minorities who are not white are harassed and possibly killed by police with immunity to kill, or psychopathic vigilante white men and militias, the blood will be on all their hands. When women continue to die because doctors feel threatened to treat them even if their lives are in danger, their deaths will be on all their hands. When family members kill one another because of the vitriol anger and hate of political division, they will know about it.

When families are suffering from rising taxes because he gave all the tax breaks to the wealthy, the poverty of those families will be because of these men’s support. When crowds are forming at the doors of their churches and homes, they will see the coming and judgment of the Lord. When more people are killed in the streets because they have been given carte blanq right to shoot to kill in self-defense, or for any reason, under the second amendment right, they will have more blood on their hands. When more children are killed while living and learning in schools, all their blood and the blood of those already killed, will be on their hands. These men do not know what they are asking for, Lord, so forgive them. Nevertheless, judge them according to thy wrath and not thy tender mercies seeing they have shown no mercy for others.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
