In a most recent post by AP, nothing has changed. The American media continues to frighten the hell out of white Americans by appealing to their selfishness and greed with an article about more immigrants coming to their country.

The comments are full of people complaining about what this will cost America in tax dollars, very little of those dollars coming from their paychecks, and how it will sink the country farther into debt. Nevermind, the fact that the country is in debt because of the greedy capitalist who drain the economy and exploit working people, including the immigrants.

Stories like this will go on and on igniting hate and prejudice against people from other countries who are willing to work jobs these white folks look down on. The CEOs of the media companies know exactly what they are doing by turning whites against people of color at the same time using the same people of color to work their low-wage jobs.

The hypocrisy behind this repetitive propaganda is sickening and will eventually take its toll when they reach their ultimate goal of a race slaughter of innocent people. God forbid the hate instilled into white America behind this foolishness will not harvest when they realize these people were never a threat to them.

It is America itself that sanctions and places embargoes on the south American countries to the point they cannot bargain with the rest of the world, which leaves their people living in poverty conditions. White Americans will soon learned that it is not the fault of the migrants coming here, it is the foreign policy of their own political leaders that have raped the resources from other nations and in turn causes the struggles in America.


How stupid can these white Americans be that they cannot see the fixation of the level of greed and crookedness their own country plays in the oppression of many other poorer nations. It is not socialism or communism that has drowned these other nations, it is the greed of capitalism and hate for others not white that has brought these people here.

According to another thoughtless story, “Hundreds of migrants in southern Mexico form group to head toward US: Nearly a thousand migrants that recently crossed from Guatemala into Mexico formed a group Saturday to head north together in hopes of reaching the border with the United States.

The group, made up of largely Venezuelan migrants, walked along a highway in southern Mexico, led by a Venezuela flag with the phrase “Peace, Freedom. SOS.” The men, women, children and teenagers were followed by Mexican National Guard patrols.

Migrants told The Associated Press they crossed into Mexico illegally through a river dividing the two countries. They said they decided to organize the group and start out because many had been sleeping on the street and had run out of money to buy food.

“We just want to move forward, to fulfill our American dream and work, because we’re all workers here,” one Venezuelan, Roseli Gloria said while taking a brief rest along the highway.

She carried a backpack and a piece of rolled up foam for sleeping. She said she had been in Mexico for a week before joining the group.

Participants in the group said that they received little aid from Mexican immigration authorities and that they were given mixed and confusing instructions about how to move forward or seek asylum in the U.S.

The formation of the latest migrant group in southern Mexico comes amid a record migratory flow to the United States from countries across Latin America. In the 12 months through May 2023, U.S. authorities reported nearly 2.5 million encounters with migrants on its southern border, an uptick from the year before.

The journey is not an easy one, with migrants often targeted by kidnappings, extorsion and other violence from armed groups in the region. As a result, migrants often travel in groups of hundreds to stay safe.

Migrants from Venezuela previously sought refuge in other South American nations like Colombia and Peru, but increasingly they are making the perilous journey through the jungles of the Darien Gap between Colombia and Panama in an attempt to reach the U.S.”

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