The hostile takeover of the country can be taken back using unconventional strategies against the tyrannical forces the people face. And one thing is for sure, we do not...
To brush off any guilt or responsibility for the profiling, targeting and over policing of undocumented immigrants, the white establishment has increasingly made it harder for immigrants to become...
US politicians, in defense of capitalist healthcare providers, stand firm against what they call “socialized healthcare,” simply because they fear losing profits, and they make many excuses that sound...
This was never about anything but race hatred and vindictiveness against people of color. You have even used the Holy Bible to justify your bigotry and hate after you...
Conservative politicians and voters have fought to eliminate DEI, Affirmative Action, Civil Rights Laws, and Critical Race Theory because they say there is no need for such programs because...
Viewership in mainstream media has dropped tremendously since the November election because they have bowed to the incoming authoritarian regime. Independent media such as YouTube channels who glean from...