The biggest tell in the collapse of the US as a powerful western nation is their insistence on promoting and preserving as president of their country a man who makes fun of disabled people. Growing up in the hood, anyone who made fun of a mentally challenged person was either quickly checked and put in their place or got their ass kicked every other day when word got out.

The fact that millions of people voted for and still support this type of criminal and social derelict is revealing as to the unrestrained cultural degradation and mental laziness engrained in this nation. In addition to the biblically mislead and deranged psychotics who claim to be a gift from God to the world, the reach of ignorance from the White House to the rural backwoods is so pervasive that the obvious darkness in this country is clearly seen.

What is truly amazing is that all the behavior that has followed this man and his believers has blended into a twilight social norm in news media and pushed as an actual agenda in schools, the workplace, Congress, state legislators and spreading around the world as an example of American exceptionalism. If they allow this type of man to rule their country again, it proves American leadership are exactly what they claim other uncivilized nations are.

In an extensive story at, “Bad apples vs. bad genes: The way we talk about corruption is racist,” the author explains political corruption in America is merely a projection unto what they claim other countries are built on.

“This racist narrative argues that those who aren’t from the West aren’t capable of governing ethically and democratically. Take, for example, former president Donald Trump’s continuous verbal attacks on Puerto Rico, which according to him is “one of the most corrupt places on earth.” Amid calls from people in Puerto Rico in 2019 for the governor to resign due to, among many things, corruption and mishandling of hurricane relief funding, Trump blamed Puerto Rican leaders for being “grossly incompetent, spend the money foolishly or corruptly, & only take from USA.”


According to Dr. Jose Atiles, a professor of Sociology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, this narrative about corruption on the island has been “instrumentalized by the US federal government to deny access to disaster relief funds and impose additional oversights and legal limitations on the autonomy of PR’s government.” Such racism blames Puerto Ricans for their suffering. Rather than truly serving people in Puerto Rico and supporting their efforts to see reforms and justice, Trump only exacerbated the notion that even a U.S. territory could not function without Washington’s guidance.

Likewise, conversations about corruption across the African continent characterize “corruption” as disease-like, using metaphors like “epidemic” and “virus,” argues Dr. Gabriel O. Apata. He points to an article on corruption in Nigeria in which two academics write, “Corruption is so common in Nigeria that there can hardly be any new perspective and approach to it. In fact, corruption is so pervasive in that country that it would be nearly correct to opine that it is a way of life.” Dr. Aparta asks, “But why does corruption appear to be a particularly African problem in a way that it appears not to be, in other places?”

These racist narratives about corruption in Puerto Rico and Nigeria imply that corruption is inherently linked to a certain race. They imply that people in these countries need to be disciplined by Western institutions, whether through democracy programs or punitive measures such as halting aid (as was the case when the U.S. recently stopped food assistance to Ethiopia in reaction to corruption, which only punished the country’s most vulnerable).

The hypocrisy is extraordinarily clear since Western leaders – particularly in the U.S. – are not immune to corruption scandals. Numerous American leaders including Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Ken Paxton, whose corrupt tendencies put profits (or rather, alleged bribes) over people impacted by U.S. policy. “Corruption is about as American as apple pie,” Belén Fernandez wrote in her recent piece on the legacies of bribery in U.S. leadership.”

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
