The Women’s Liberation Movement, which is often with “second-wave” feminism in the late 20th century,” can be traced as far back as Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. From thence emerged feminism and bra burning, and then Black feminism gained momentum followed by demonstrations from the Gay Movement.

For some strange reason, the feminine muscle that broke through social and cultural strongholds for women made its way into the silent gay community, which gave them the courage and a voice to demand rights also. During the 1960s, the gay rights movement grew as participants advocated for equal rights and unbiased information about homosexuality. As early as 1965, men, (and women) who were at one time closeted and hidden from the public broke through and found its footing in society.

While recovering from cheating husbands during the 50s and 60s, the housewives of the Liberation Movement taught the next generation of women to escape the traditional family and the pain and distrust that came with it, which naturally in turn caused the daughters and granddaughters to seek love in pre-marital sex and eventually in other women with similar values.

The next generation of women turned to Lesbianism and grew to embrace the doll house family fantasy. They desire love and a family with kids and the picket fence, but with men not being an option, they turned to other women who identified with their fantasies. Likewise, the boys raised by feminist women with anger against men became more feminine in mannerisms and behavior and their desires turned toward other men who grew up the same way.

The phenomenon is easily explained by noticing that apparently, the same force that empowered women to rise above gender oppression found its ways into the hearts of men who felt like women all their lives. From there, women who felt like men and women who found love absent of men found a new freedom in expressing themselves as such, openly and in public.


The intertwining of each subculture brought forth the LGBTQ community as other non-traditional gender roles grew, revealing the secrets long hidden in bedrooms and homes across the nation. As tolerance for these alternative lifestyles grew, more people felt less offended by them. Transgender, drag queens, cross dressers, and same-sex families living out doll house romances began to bloom throughout the country until lawmakers were forced to take notice.

The strange thing about the whole LGBTQ agenda is that it grew over the years into a powerful movement that demanded attention and exposure from Hollywood to Congress and made its way into more families, schools, and now in almost every sector of society, even the Olympics. What is even more strange is that deep within each of the alphabets lie an age-old American idol at the nexus of the person who identifies as either letter.

Ever notice that beneath the persona of the LGBTQ alphabets, the mentality and behavior boil down to the likeness of a teenage white girl? This white girl persona is more like the poster child of the LGBTQ movement because there is no actual leader, spokesperson, historical martyr or activist who actually founded the movement.

The white teen age girl is sassy, quick witted, self-centered, arrogant, judgmental and spoiled to a high maintenance degree. They demand attention and are the apple in the eyes of the white power structure in America. When white teen girls go missing, the nation comes to a halt to find them. When the most racist of white movements wanted to take their frustration out on people of color, Black men, they would plant the young white girl at the center of the scandal. Thus came the phrase, “when you gonna holla rape white girl?”

Mean girls, princesses, and goldilocks-type white girls are in nursery rhymes, fairy tales, and the topic of Disney blockbusters. They are portrayed as the purest and innocent of beings, precious and needing protection from the world, and almost worshipped by white America. This persona has been the envy of and embedded in the minds of many people growing up in this country and is now living within the inner-persons of men who seem to desire and find that pleasure and neediness within themselves.

Homosexual men are the likeness of white teen girls when they are rooted out. They are flamboyant, smart-mouthed, seductive and never cease to bait their opponents with sexual undertones. Regardless of race, creed or even religion, they all have the same demeanor about themselves. Of course, on the surface they can be seen as masculine, burly men, but when they are flushed out by others like them, they melt into little white girls.

No one knows where all the LGBTQ money comes from. No one knows where they hold their meetings to advance their agenda throughout the country, and no one has actually taken responsibility for the massive rise of the LGBTQ movement. But for some reason, they are rising fast and demanding more.

The problem with this is that there are many millions of people left on this earth who do not agree with the LGBTQ lifestyles and will forever be offended and afraid for their kids. They will resist all the more as this movement rises and gains more international attention. It will soon come to a point where there will be more violence attempted against them until they are pushed back into the closets.

The LGBTQ community must realize that being a small percentage of the population, if they insist on parading and imposing themselves into an all-natural society, they will have pushback and resistance from here on out. They cannot reasonably expect that all the world will accept them as normal and transform the world and their families into a LGBTQ civilization without consequences.

It is insulting to any subculture of people to be imposed upon by a lifestyle or belief they are not use to nor ready for. The LGBTQ community should never mock, undermine, or force their habits on those who live according to the natural laws of humanity.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
