The public is constantly being warned of Project 2025 and that it would tank Democracy and send the country into a dictator-style government; an authoritarian governing system to rule over the people. Well, the public should wake up now to the fact that there are parts of Project 2025 agenda that has been introduced, taken hold, and is already operating in society today. All that is needed is someone who wants to be a dictator and the plan will go into full effect.

Over the past 30 years, rights have been taken away and the will of the people have been stripped right from under our noses and given to corporations and the wealthy to corrupt society by any means they wish. Starting from the Bush-led Homeland security laws of surveillance under the Patriot Act, new consumer protection laws taken from the people and given to big businesses through corporate bailouts, laws that give the ability for corporations to bribe politicians such as Citizens United, to the newest gutting of abortion rights, voting, and many civil rights.

In many states with Texas being the poster child, abortion has become illegal and draconian consequences are happening for people who participate in the process, such as doctors, neighbors and family members. Jail time, fines and law suits are already in the making behind the restriction of abortion rights. Women are being mistreated and neglected by health organizations and families are warring against one another.

Severely Limiting Voting Access and Rolling Back Civil Rights Protections is another policy agenda put into place by more subtle means than necessary. Some states have limited voting access and carved up voting districts under gerrymandering so bad the Courts have to reinstate protections for certain groups of Americans, mainly Black Americans, women and students.

Voter ID laws are going into effect around the country that require government-level identification that many people cannot get right away because of lack of transportation, fines and fees against their licenses and the closing of voting registration offices, DMVs and other government agencies, especially in rural areas. Many have been set up to fail by law enforcement agencies in small communities that build their tax revenue on the backs of the working poor.


Voting booths and drop boxes have been closed down in minority communities, petty laws have been passed that restrict people from passing out water during long waits to vote, and convicted felons have their voting rights taken with no form of recourse, or an extremely difficult and confusing process to regain their rights.

Making Education Unaffordable and Censoring Critical Discussions In Classrooms is a part of the agenda to gut the public school system and pass education on to the wealthy and reward well-off suburban communities and religious groups with taxpayer money to open and control new schooling systems under voucher programs. This is already being done around the country with little to no push back or recourse from parents.

Book bans have taken affect in many school districts across the country along with disabling of Black history lessons, sex education, and other programs meant to teach kids about personal health, tolerance toward others, history and diversity. School lunch programs have been cut and policies made against helping children through charitable contributions from non-profit organizations.

These things are happening with the help of the courts and lawmakers from states that want to implement a prototype of Project 2025, and are officially standing behind wealthy donors and supporters of right-wing policy. Over the last 30 years, programs that have been a safety net for low-income families have also been gutted such as food stamps, housing and disability assistance. The social security age has risen over the past 50 years from 55 to now 67, and they are talking 70 as the new retirement age. Nothing has been done to reverse this trend by either political party.

Many new laws to reduce environmental safety has been passed in recent years that have affected water treatment, air quality, and infrastructure advancements. Law suits are on the books now that have given corporations victories against the interest of the people but go unreported by mainstream media. These new laws come hidden as fees and raise the cost of utilities, add taxes to the working family and affect people’s health.

Unleashing Undue Force On Protestors is a reality as new protest laws have gone into effect in some states that prohibit protestors from lawfully and peacefully assembling and criminalize their movements, actions, and involve heavy police surveillance and action. The courts have introduced laws to give police immunity against stipulated definitions of civil unrest that includes video recording police, talking back to police, or simply gathering in certain places without permits.

Many states have given over power to right-wing lawmakers and legislators to all but reject the people’s votes, overturn elections, ignore opposing opponents’ victories and drown petitions against laws the people deem unfair, and the courts are starting to side with lawmakers. People are being forced out of public hearings for simply standing up and speaking out for what they believe in and arrested for acts of public disturbances. Look at the cases of the Tennessee Three and the Mississippi takeover of the state judicial and environmental system.

There is a long list of Project 2025 policies that have gone into effect right under the noses of the public without much successful pushback from opposing groups and organizations, which gives the impression that maybe both sides of the political isle are pushing a form of authoritarianism against the will of the people. For the last 30 years, little by little, the rights of the people have been taken and the wealthy and corporations are winning court battles.

People need to wake up and look at what is already going on instead of worrying about what is to come. As time goes by, or when a real authoritarian government or dictator takes over, the people will have been lullabied into a state of control we are being warned about right now, with little resistance, all at the gunpoint of government and militia groups. We will have no rights to liberty or the right to freedom of speech or assembly, and happiness will be a thing of the past.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
