Look who is talking about it being a shame to edit God’s word to fit the culture. Evangelical leader Billy Graham “slammed The Methodist Church in the United Kingdom for “trying to edit what the Word of God says” after the church released an “Inclusive Language Guide” advising Methodists to avoid using gendered terms such as “husband” and “wife.”
He says, “Shame on the Methodist Church…These are Biblical terms – and marriage between a man and a woman is biblical truth. The word ‘wife’ is used in some 360 verses in 38 books of the Bible. They are in essence trying to edit what the Word of God says and teaches to be more appealing to the changing whims of culture. We are warned against that in Scripture. As Christians, we aren’t called to avoid what might offend people — we are called to share the Truth of God’s Word that can guide and direct us through every step of life.”
The hypocrisy comes in at the point of changing God’s word to fit the culture, after he and many other white evangelicals have endorsed and all but catechized millions of potential believers of God with the terms “slave,” replacing the word servant, in many new versions and translations of the Bible. They did this knowing it was an offense to descendants of slaves and to give an ego boast to white men all over the world, supposing that God Himself condoned slavery as ordained by Him.
The new version of the GOD’S WORD bible, which was endorsed by Graham, who said, “GOD’S WORD is an easy-to-understand Bible…. it is a wonderful version to give to someone who is a new believer or is not yet a believer.” In addition to sponsoring the New Living Translation published by the Tyndale House Publishers, also changed the word servant to slave.

The word slave is only used twice in the original King James version, and neither refers to the Atlantic slave trade as produced by Europe and the West. This is an abomination to God and an offense in itself.
Not only did they change the above word, but they completely altered the 13th chapter of Romans to fit a political narrative about being submissive to the government when the original KJV never says anything about the government, but about the higher powers of the church ministry.
Using his own words against him, it says, “Graham’s comments come in response to the guidance, released in December, that contended that gendered terms such as “husband” and “wife” could be “offensive” because such allegedly assumes what is not “the reality for many people. As Christians, we need to have the courage for conversations that can sometimes be difficult, to recognize that we sometimes exclude people, to listen with humility, to repent of any hurtful language and to take care with how we listen and what we say or write, in the Spirit of Christ,” says the guidance, which will be updated every six months.”
If only the Evangelical crowd had a true understanding of God, they would renounce the changing of the word servant to slave and change every New Version they have endorsed and revert back to the original language of the KJV. But this is too hard for them seeing they have an image, (of slave owners and government rulers), to champion. The hypocrisy is astounding.
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