Talk about self-fulfilling prophesies. There are Christian theologians who literally desire the battle of Armageddon in the present to befall the world in connection to their idolatry of Israel. These men are so soulfully bound to Israel they believe that once the rest of the world bombs Israel into oblivion, that that is the day Jesus Christ will return.
Their apostate wish and made-up event called the Rapture (The “Rapture” Teachings Are Not Correct!), is not only biblically inaccurate, but way off on the prophetic timeline. First, there is no such word in the Bible as Rapture, and second, the battle of Armageddon does not take place for over a thousand years after the Second Coming of Christ. (The Second Coming And The End Of The World). So basically, they are drumming up a war in vain hoping the Lord will return for them.
Though they have studied for years in American made seminaries created by wealthy white men, they are spiritually unlearned and lack the insight to the true revelations of the bible. They have preached to, taught, and lectured to millions about this false doctrine and anytime there is an inkling of a world war, they insert their lesson plans into the minds of their congregations.
They also indirectly and behind the scenes feed these apostate doctrines to presidential candidates and politicians pushing them to enact policies they feel are needed before their dreadful event happens. For years, since the eighties, these men have whispered into the ears of America’s leaders encouraging them to stand behind Israel.
They liken the US as a sort of white tribe to a type of Old Testament Israel in hopes of receiving the blessings and favor of God. Unfortunately, the US is a gentile nation and do not inherit the blessings of Abraham, except through believing in Jesus Christ, not the laws of Moses or the prophets. But this does not stop them from hoping and praying for WWIII and referring to Daniel and the Old prophets for end time understanding.
They present themselves as all-knowing, world renown experts on the gospel and expect all the world to wonder after them. In their misguided rendition of salvation of the end times, they believe that Jesus is a deity that upholds everything they believe and that He will justify them above all others, even other Christians. That he will persecute all those they have persecuted and ignore all the sins they themselves have committed. They are holding tight to a false hope that Jesus will recognize them as apart of the Old Israel covenant.
To their dismay, however, once the last war breaks out and the sun is turned to darkness by nuclear bombs and fallout, or another asteroid, many millions will suffer and die and they will be left as a part of that crowd because they refuse to denounce the antichrist spirit that they are proud to uphold and vote for in every election since 2016. They will definitely live through the tribulation period and suffer with the ungodly while all the true believers of Christ are changed and taken.
So what can the country do? Representatives of the US and of the Christian faith, must denounce anything or anyone who presents themselves as the chosen one or that contradicts the Word of God. And most importantly, those who follow these men must realize that they cannot force God to come in their own time.
DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE