The U.S. has world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households. As of 2023, approximately 27% of children in the United States live in single-parent households. This means that about one-quarter of families in the country are led by a single parent.

Single parents face a variety of unique challenges in today’s society that can significantly impact their well-being and the welfare of their children. This sector of Americans is not as cared for as they should be. Although all attention is focused on them before and during pregnancy, they fall off the radar once they give birth, whether single or not. Here are some of the key challenges:

Financial Strain: Single parents often bear the full financial responsibility of their household. This can lead to economic challenges, especially if they are earning a single income or working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Accessing affordable housing, healthcare, and education can become overwhelming.

Politicians, particularly the GOP, have either voted against these things or have plans to do away with them altogether, such as the Department of Education leaving single mothers with the financial burden of trying to afford private schools.
Tax increases are imminent if school choice goes into full effect, which would raise taxes for a single working mother.

Time Management: Juggling work responsibilities, household duties, and childcare can be extremely difficult for single parents. Many struggle to find enough time to spend with their children, manage their careers, and maintain a household, which can lead to stress and burnout.


Corporations are not willing to bend where it comes to family leave or providing working mothers with flexible work schedules or investing in affordable child care solutions in their neighborhoods. Getting time off for a sick child could lead to termination, which starts the cycle of employment over for a single parent. Playing catchup with bills is not fun at all and sometimes leads to eviction and homelessness.

Emotional Strain: Single parenting can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Lack of a partner for emotional support can make it harder to cope with parenting stresses. Many single parents also deal with guilt about not being able to provide as much attention or resources to their children as they would like.

Inadequate community sources of wellness and family planning are also being cut from government agendas, which leaves single parents no connection to their communities. Support groups are available for parents but social media has replaced many in-person meeting groups again leaving single parents alone with little to no human interaction or emotional support. No plans by any organizations and agencies have been made to help them make the social connections they need.

Childcare Challenges: Finding reliable and affordable childcare can be a significant hurdle. Single parents may not have access to family support networks, making it difficult to balance work and childcare needs. This can limit employment opportunities and career advancement.

Politicians are against any forms of funding childcare programs and look to cut child tax credits that would help parents afford more and better day care options. They suppose that churches and charity groups are to supplement this lack in the needs of parents but many churches are overwhelmed and do not have the resources that would accommodate so many single parents. Charity groups are constantly back-up with applicants for resources and goods that many single parents simply go without help for longer periods of time.

Stigmatization: Single parents may face societal stigma or judgment about their family structure. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy or exclusion from social groups, which can further contribute to feelings of loneliness.

Again, the answer to this problem from Politicians is the church, but many people have left the church because of judgmental views and negative treatment by church members for being single parents. Church hurt is real and single women still cannot find the support they need from churches or community groups that offer these amenities because of a rising need and indifference.

Navigating Co-Parenting: For those who share custody, co-parenting arrangements can be fraught with challenges. Differences in parenting styles, communication issues, or unresolved conflicts with the other parent can complicate the co-parenting relationship, affecting the emotional well-being of both the parent and the children.

Relationships are a broken phenomenon out there being replaced with dating sites and apps that are plagued with dishonest men, cheating husbands, and the art of ghosting. No one can be taken seriously. Finding a suitable mate in today’s dating world is a challenge, especially to single women with children. More single women are losing custody of their children do to neglect, drug use or the inability to adequately support their children on low incomes.

Access to Support Networks: Single parents may find it difficult to establish or maintain social support networks. This lack of community can make it harder to seek help and encouragement from others, which is crucial for both emotional and practical support. Single parents may also find it challenging to access social services or educational opportunities for themselves and their children. Limited availability of resources can hinder their ability to improve their circumstances.

There are no plans that put into place support groups and community centers that specialize in matching up single mothers with likeminded people who have devoted their lives to helping single mothers. Any efforts to organize such groups or programs on government budgets are immediately shutdown by Politicians as a drain on the economy and tax-payers’ dollars. Furthermore, many people have become indifferent to helping people and view them as leaches on society.

Educational Challenges: Single parents sometimes struggle to be as involved in their children’s education due to time constraints or lack of resources. They may miss out on important school events or opportunities for involvement, and their children might not get the same level of educational support.

An all-out attack on the educational system by Politicians, particularly the GOP, show their lack of concern for single parents in the near future. They see only two-parent families as important enough to care for and spend on. They see single mothers as outcast who have wasted their lives because they are not married or have become single through a failed relationship.

Many single parents seek to further their education and better themselves but student Pell Grants and any assistance for them to do so was taken away years ago with no plan to replace them. Everyone should be able to further their education to become more productive citizens of society through work, but that seems to be too hard for our leaders.

Health and Well-being: The combined stress of work, parenting, and financial pressure can take a toll on the physical and mental health of single parents. They may neglect their own health due to time constraints, leading to chronic stress, anxiety, or other health issues.

Affordable healthcare is needed by single parents the most but Politicians, particularly the GOP, are against affordable healthcare and would just as well take away Medicaid and any food assistance programs made for the low-income families such as single mothers in the country. They have no concern for single parents once the child is born.

Mental health assistance is also needed to help the mothers cope with life each day and to make sure the child stays in a positive mental state as they grow and develop. But this too, is something not thought of or of concern to Politicians as they see only dollars and not a necessity to help those in need.

Limited Flexibility: Single parents often have less flexibility in their schedules compared to those with partners. This can make it difficult to respond to unexpected events, such as a child’s illness or school activities, which may require taking time off work or making last-minute arrangements.

Corporations should reach out to surrounding communities to make sure they are not just employers, but concerned citizens in the involvement of their employees. They are considered as people when it comes time to support their politician but they do not show that same humanity when asked to support those who work for them.

After school programs should be funded to make sure children have activity in their lives. School budgets and meal time should be a priority in helping single parents and their children succeed as they try and cope with life each day. No one should go neglected by authorities of either public or private institutions.

Addressing these challenges often requires systemic changes in workplace policies, social support systems, and community resources to provide better support for single parents. Unfortunately, single parents have been left to fend for themselves in this economy because politicians are more concerned with their own lives and pockets than they are those who they represent.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
