People are asking a most basic question; how does a convicted felon pass thought the scales of justice to run for the highest office in the land but the average person with a felony cannot even vote? Other popular common-sense questions are, why is this man not in jail and why are white supremacist parading in the streets with free reign?

The answer is just as basic and simple as the questions. The United States is a racist country and the criminality of this white man is an indictment of their own inhumanity toward anyone not white. If they convict and imprison him, they would be confessing to the criminality, biasness, and racism bred deep into the fabric of this country, by which they are motivated.

From the other higher offices of the land; Congress, the Senate, the courts down throughout the legal system, lawmakers, the police state and reporters, the entire substructure of this country to its founding would be naturally found guilty of crimes against humanity.

However, it would be like convicting and imprisoning your own mother or father. You would be ashamed to follow through but would know it is the right thing to do, therefore, you go a little easy on them to save face and procrastinate the process; looking for loopholes that would otherwise free them without the same consequences given to those who are not white, and are made an example to the rest.

The same with the January 6th mob. It brought such shame onto this country that they bit down and bared the shame and slapped wrist with a few long-term sentences not to look too obviously biased. But the truth is, if a Black mob had done the same thing, executions would have been conducted that day in the same hour. We know it, they know it; and the world knows the US is nothing but racists.


Not only do the police shoot to kill Blacks who are deemed a terror to white men, but the nation watches many times as white men go free without a scratch after murdering people of color. Sometimes they will sacrifice some of their own under the guise of killing many others then pass off an illusion to the rest of society that they have issued law and order.

The Justice system is designed for wealthy white men as it was from the founding of the country. And poor people and people of color are chattel laborers, experiments, and sacrifices for the well-being of white men who could care less about humanity. The United States is that country and this is what they do.

What they lack in their idea of supremacy is social intelligence. They have not learned that the things they have done and continue to do have brought them to the point they are right now. Defending and protecting an immoral, criminal, psychopath with a cult following willing to kill their neighbors and take absolute power. This is who they are.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
