To understand the current war Black America and other people of color are fighting against white America’s attempt to resurrect white supremacy, you must first understand the weapons being used against us. The foremost weapon is fear, backed by threats of death by violence and confinement by imprisonment. These are the main weapons whites have used most against people of color throughout history.

Whites base their entire existence and authority on the use of violence and confinement or the mass murder of people who are not white, using weapons of war, violence, and laws that justify and reinforce inhumane sentences against other human beings and nations. To disarm whites by taking away their guns and places of incarceration, the white race would be a weak people, if all they had to survive on was their intelligence.

But seeing it almost an impossible task to disarm their foreign and domestic military and paramilitary structure, or to tear down their walls and fences of confinement or even change their thinking to a more rational compassion toward humanity, there is only one other way to completely defeat their reign of terror on people of color without retaliation by using their own weapons of war. Valor is the key.

When whites threaten to pass laws that turn back social and racial progress, or laws that prevent foreigners from entering the country and ones that send agents to the doors of what they call illegal immigrants; or social and cultural policies that restrict people of color from sharing the spaces of business establishments, workplaces, or schools, and getting equal or even fair treatment from racist whites, it seems to send chills to activist, journalist, and citizens.

There have been articles written by ethnic news sites and blogs, statements from Black celebrities and activist who are showing panic that society may be turned back to the times of Jim Crow or even slavery, and that concentration camps are on the way. It almost seems like these people are pleading with white America not to turn back the clock and they believe the white power structure is setting the stage for a return to legal and physical oppression.


Yes, this is how supremacist white America thinks and apparently behaves. It uses threats of oppression, legal authority, segregation and violence to impose their power unto people who do not have the same firepower, legal recourse or social structure as they. They simply oppress the weak without having or showing mercy.

When Martin Luther King and his supporters marched through crowds of violent, spitting, rock-throwing whites, and Blacks did not retaliate, it was not Blacks who looked weak or pathetic; it was whites who looked cruel and hateful. When Blacks gather and riot in the streets against police brutality and social oppression, it is not Blacks who look savage; it is whites who use military force against an unarmed people that look savage. Blacks are simply standing up for their rights as a people and as human beings.

Blacks and other people of color must learn to use these forms of resistance and intensify the strength by resisting unto death. If the day ever comes, (and God forbid it does) that whites lose control of their minds and emotions and begin killing non-white people in the streets, (police, military, and average white citizens), it will not be the victims of their violence who will look weak and unprepared; it will be whites who will look (and be) savage and primitive by killing innocent people.

When the psychology is reverse, the fear is reversed. We cannot live in fear of what whites are doing or going to do to us, this is how they maintain control of the masses. We must stand against any and all forms of oppression and hate even if it means death. So what they want to segregate the schools again, let them. So what they want to establish martial law in our communities and kill us without justice, let them, it shows their level of primitivity. Furthermore, we should not care if they have fantasies of an antebellum or Jim Crow south where Blacks were confined to certain positions in life and other ethnic groups are crowded into concentration camps.

The fact that they think this way reveals a deep-seated barbarian-type mentality in whites that has gone well past its prime. Society and humanity naturally evolves in intellect and emotional intelligence overtime to the point where our minds today cannot comprehend partaking in older, more primitive environments. The millennium generation is a generation of people who know no such life of Jim Crow, and have evolved to a point beyond that type of primitive thinking. The only people drawing on such thinking are older, white racist people who were raised with that mindset, which is a generation dying out.

Do not fear the guns of white America or their archaic laws. They are a people lost in a world that does not exist any longer. The attempt to resurrect the world they want so desperately will be the fall to their empire because it defies nature on so many levels. And the fact that they cannot see this truth is another testament to their low-level of intellect. They have been blinded by the past and dreams of superiority yet they seem not to realize that as they live by violence, so will they fall by violence.

Blacks and other people of color will not be intimidated. We must show courage and stand against oppression and hate even if it means death. Our children must learn to have the integrity life gives to all human-beings and that no man is meant to be a servant to other men. That is the ultimate human sin and abomination to humanity. Death by liberty is better than death by oppression.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
