The logic of the religious right and science has definitely reached an all-time, illogical level. The contradiction between Christian Nationalism and current government law has tangled itself into a state of carnal reprobation. This is thought-provoking because man overstepped God’s natural law of giving life and stood on God’s shoulders and decided he would be a giver of life himself.
It is like the devil saying, “I am god, but if I do anything wrong I will put myself in hell.” This country cannot have the best of both worlds. You cannot server God and mammon.
Taking from God the biological properties of life and harnessing it into scientific laboratories, man has created a world within the spiritual realm of God, i.e., man has literally become a god of his own. Because he has done this, he cannot adopt the rules of God’s realm all to his own because he has basically excluded God from the process of giving life.
Creating life and then religiously ruling on that life is equivalent to manipulating the weather by causing a hurricane on the coast and claiming it was an act of God so the victims can collect insurance money. You simply cannot use God’s law to justify man’s evolutionary misprints.
Therefore, the men today who are debating and making laws based on embryos must write and abide by his own laws, not God’s. In other words, the rules of God about life and conception cannot apply to man’s rules of the same. Conception, in the case of man is different than God’s divine design of conception.
“In 1979, a year after the world’s first IVF baby, the “test tube” baby, was born, a coalition of anti-abortion groups denounced the new technology as “morally abhorrent” and persuaded the federal government to block funding for any research in which embryos were destroyed. But the number continued to rise as desperate families turned to IVF to conceive children. Today, about 2% of all babies born in the U.S. annually are conceived through IVF.”
History tells us that the initial reaction to test tube babies was a sense of moral rejection and repulsion, that man had now resorted to playing God by bringing forth life through scientific evolution instead of natural creation. Many people relied on common sense to come to this conclusion. It was simply unheard of.
But as time went by, IVF became the norm, and people went about their lives and accepted it as the law of the land. Much like abortion. By law, embryos then were ruled by the government as property of those who froze them. “Because IVF was developed after Roe became the law of the land in 1973, embryos have typically been treated as private property that donors could implant, give away or have destroyed without consequence. But newly passed “personhood” laws pushed by conservatives and some religious groups are changing that.”
But see here is the problem. Religion or the church cannot have a hand in this because it is not an act of God but an invention of man, so let man set his own standards of life and death. He has already overstepped God so let him reap what is to come from this act of human evolution. This is more a private property issue than a life issue, thus it should be decided based on property laws, not biblical life or death laws.
In the case of the Alabama IVF ruling, the troops of Christian nationalism have been summoned and in comes the Bible and religious interference into science and government. This should be off limits to them because there is no way they can (or willfully) apply God’s law to man’s invention. By some form of self-righteousness, a Christian nationalist-backed judge came to the conclusion that the embryos were people and have the same rights as unborn babies.
“The initial ruling came about because of a case in South Alabama. A patient roaming around the Mobile Infirmary Medical Center happened upon frozen embryos and dropped them. The three couples to whom the embryos belonged sued the medical center and their fertility clinic, The Center for Reproductive Medicine, for wrongful death.” (Which should have been argued under man’s laws of destruction of property).
“A lower court said wrongful death protections did not apply to frozen embryos, but the Alabama Supreme Court disagreed.
The ruling means that if a frozen embryo is destroyed, those responsible could be subject to legal action under Alabama’s Wrongful Death of a Minor law. Prospective parents and IVF supporters fear that the ruling will make it nearly impossible for individuals to destroy their own stored embryos.”
Who knows how far back the actual physical handling and any involvement of the embryo goes? A number of people could be named in a law suit or imprisoned, which does nothing but cost the state money and time. And who knows how many parents will claim bloody murder if something happens to their child, before or even after birth. Where does it end? This is not a case of religious doctrine, but of man-made legal theory. They need to take full responsibility for their creation and set their own laws based on their own capitalist theory of personal property.
“Christian opposition to abortion has long driven the debate over reproductive rights. Abortion opponents say life begins at conception, and even a handful of cells deserves the same legal protections as a person.” Here is the confusion about conception. Whose conception, God’s or man’s (the scientist’). Conception by God is a man and a woman who lay together. Man’s conception is a scientist and a laboratory contraption. “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.” Genesis 4:1. Eve did not say, “I have gotten a man from a scientist.”
“The Alabama court leaned heavily on Christian faith and the Bible to make its case. The court referred to the embryos as “embryonic children … kept alive in a cryogenic nursery.”
The term “embryonic children” is not a biblical term and God never said it so He cannot be held to standard concerning this man-made, man-child. Thus, it makes the Alabama ruling illegitimate, literally. But they go even deeper into biblical territory with their apostate teachings.
“In his concurring opinion last week, Chief Justice Tom Parker, an elected Republican, invoked similar reasoning.
In summary, the theologically based view of the sanctity of life adopted by the People of Alabama encompasses the following: (1) God made every person in His image; (2) each person therefore has a value that far exceeds the ability of human beings to calculate; and (3) human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself.”
Ok, God did not make this person or anyone who was conceived through man’s own time-line. Birth comes through a spiritual ordination and predestination, not through a timed or planned act of man or parents who want to reserve life until they are ready for it. Not to say that the life born of IVF is not a real life, but according to God, it is an untimely birth, which many times in the bible ended with miscarriages. These men of Christian nationalism are too far out of their lane of humanity to decide this.
Finally, as stated before, this is not a creation of God, though it is based on a concept of God, so He will only rule on the initial phase of man inventing this life without His predestinated approval. God did not start the process so man cannot use God’s rules for ending the process. Man has to use his own rules.
“Alabama Supreme Court Justice Jay Mitchell included numerous references to God, Christianity and the Holy Bible in his opinion on the decision. Some of the Bible verses cited include:
• Genesis 9:6: “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.”
• Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
• Exodus 20:13: “You shall not murder.”
Lord. This judge is a product of theological miseducation. The scripture he quotes are true and are the Words of God, but when used as a reference for a case of a man-made life is sacrilegious. These words offer no legitimacy to how man should govern himself after he has eliminated God from the picture. This guy is just quoting scripture that adds no spiritual inspiration or resolution to this case.
For instance, man has overstepped God in the case of murder also, and has declared when life can end and when murder can happen without regard to God’s law of “thou shalt not kill.” Man kills regularly in war, policing, and self-defense. Now he wants the right to decide when life can begin. If man will not obey the laws of God where it pertains to death, he apparently will not respect the laws of God pertaining to life. And this is where this country is right not. In total defiance of God’s laws and soon to be in His judgement.
“The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause typically limits the role religion can play in government, but the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 changed the longstanding process by which it reviewed conflicts between government and religion. The decision to change that process was written by Justice Gorsuch, who said the court needed to rely more heavily on “reference to historical practices and understandings.” Parker, the Alabama judge, specifically referenced Gorsuch in his concurrent opinion.”
This rule should stand because a mixture of Christian nationalism and government law do not mix well. There is a clear contradiction to the laws of God and the laws of man, seeing man has already defied God’s law for his own self-righteous purpose. Christian nationalism will destroy this country. The church should remain in the church and out of politics and government law, until they learn to respect God.
“Judges are not supposed to rely on religious principles for legal reasoning.”
DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE