“Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, And not be written with the righteous.” Psalm 69:28.

Social media has openly brought forth many Black (and white) Americans who wonder why the white race hates Black people so much. This question is being asked more often because people cannot comprehend why a race of people has such animosity toward another race of people who have literally done nothing to them.

The answer came at 3:00 in the morning, at the third watch, from the presence of God. He said I am going to give you the answer to this question, the reason there is so much hate; the reason this word has so much power and force behind it, where it came from and a little background and foreknowledge of the people who use it. He said, first of all, this is not His word.

Of all the beautiful languages in the world that he has spread throughout to different cultures and nations of the world from the beginning of time, He said this word is not of His making. He did not bring this word forth. It is a word manufactured from a dark place. From a certain generation of people used specifically for the purpose of the torment of the children of African descent here in the United States; during the time of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and slavery in America.

This message is to Black Americans who hear this word and see it written by the very people who find pride in using it. Notice, this word cannot be written in its entirety by the media, television or Hollywood because of its effects on the culture and on Black people. It is a heinous word that cuts deep into the humanity of Blacks and meant to hurt them, strip them of dignity, and to diminish their mortality.


The people who use this word understand that and uses it as a weapon to attack and undermine Blacks. But God said, the people who use this word are a certain breed of people made only in the United States. He did not make them. These people do not represent the whole of the European race, only those who have been indoctrinated for the purpose of assaulting Black people.

It is a dark, hateful word. A word that comes from a place of isolation, pain, and anger. It is not God’s word or a part of His creation of language. This word has a certain power behind it that offends, angers, and triggers Black people even if they have no knowledge of its purpose. Even Black children can feel the sting of this word and know that it is meant to humiliate, because it carries the weight of a dark pain meant to hurt the innocent.

But it is just a word. But no other word, four letter, five letter, the B word, the MF, or any word that is meant to hurt others has the sting this word has. No other slur meant for any other culture of people has the force this word has for Blacks. This word in its pure form, with the ER instead of the A, at the end, was created specifically for the purpose of causing pain and humiliation to Black people. Notice that this word is used only by a certain people, not all, but a certain breed of people.

But God gave an answer to why it is used by this particular breed of people. They are bewitched by this word. They walk around saying it daily, nonchalantly as in a trance-like state because it has been implanted into their minds as a part of their vocabulary. Generations of these people have been taught to use this word to protect their own insecurities and to make them feel superior to Blacks.

But they do not use it only for that purpose or because they are jealous of Blacks or because of African history. No. They use this word because they are dying. They are a spiritually dead people. The world has no need for them any longer and they are lashing out; clawing at Blacks trying to harness and find validation in their last days on this earth.

They are a disappearing people who know they are becoming darker and darker in their existence. Their power is diminishing and the power behind the word will soon have no force. Once this happens, they will fade and disappear into the darkness they came from and their memory will be a shame and a byword to the rest of the world.

Black people, specifically those of African descent here in the United States, must know and understand that because these people are dying, this word will no longer have the power it once had, and that those who use it are spiritually dying where they stand. Their life has no more meaning because they are not needed any longer. This is the sad death of a people used only for the purpose of hate, torment, and the evil from a very dark place.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
