This story is too egregious to even think about. It is a blatant sign that corporations are no more responsible than the generation they are bashing. This is shameful coming from people who are suppose to be leaders in this country’s economy.

It is also a testimony to the broken system of the state of this economy, taken apart by biased, generational warfare. How can a system complain about their own kids when they were responsible for raising those kids? This is dumbassedness and pathetic.

According to a new study, “companies are rapidly firing Gen Z employees just months after they hired them, according to a new report from

The survey revealed that one in six businesses said they were hesitant to hire recent college graduates over concerns about how prepared they are for the work as well as their communication skills and professionalism.”

They are talking about their own children! This is a show of irresponsibility and ignorance on the part of companies, not the workers. The managers who do the hiring are probably the same who have children graduating college. What a stupid report.


“And a whopping six in 10 employers had already fired college graduates who were hired in 2024. One in seven said they might refrain from hiring new college grads next year as well.

The survey looked at responses from nearly 1,000 business leaders in August, who revealed a strong skepticism from companies about how worthwhile Gen Z-ers are as employees.”

They are complaining that maybe the educational system failed the children, or maybe it was the entitlement mindset and participation trophies, or the laziness, disrespect, and “lack of practical, real-world experience and soft skills.”

“They are often unprepared for a less structured environment, workplace cultural dynamics, and the expectation of autonomous work. Although they may have some theoretical knowledge from college, or skills required to succeed in the work environment.” Intelligent’s Chief Education and Career Development Advisor Huy Nguyen said in the report.

Maybe, just maybe, this generation is unmotivated because of low pay, high cost of healthcare, no chance of buying a home, the high expense of childcare, and many other corporate burdens pressed on them as a generation. The audacity of these people to undermine a generation faced with extreme chances of even surviving life.

“And because Gen Z already has a stereotype of being lazy or uncooperative in the workplace, employers might be primed to find problems with the generation of workers that is adapting to full-time jobs for the first time.”

Not only are they casting them off as unqualified, but they are talking down about them and destroying what self-esteem they have. This is classic narcissistic and arrogant behavior on the part of corporations.

“Across the board, 75 percent of companies reported that some or all of their recent college graduate hires were unsatisfactory. Employers most often cited a lack of motivation in their recent graduate hires, at 50 percent, while 39 percent said poor communication skills and 46 percent said a lack of professionalism made this cohort difficult to work with.”

Then they go on the blame to educational system, who is being underfunded at the primary level and then overpriced at the college level. These kids are not only faced with a lack of training and empathy from their elders, but faced with college debt, bill collectors, and the constant worry of not finding a place to live, sharing apartments with friends, and having to move back in with their parents.

“As someone who went through years of education, including law school, I can tell you this: colleges are not preparing students for real-world work,” Driscoll told Newsweek. “Education today emphasizes theory over practice.

To, (, Career Development Advisor Huy Nguyen, and the Driscoll person; go to hell; go straight to hell, do not pass go or none of that, just go to hell in your arrogance.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
