Only time and truth will restore this country to a state of normalcy. Without the constant bombardment of Trump media coverage of his antics, what will media companies and independent reporters talk about? For the country to heal, men and women of courage must stand up and take control and not fear the dead beats who have transformed this country into a cesspool of corruption.

After almost a decade of warring against an entity that threatened to dismantle life as Americans have always known, to change it into a dystopian nightmare of hate, greed, and corrupt power politics, the country can take a deep breath, but only to regroup because the fight remains and the threats still linger.

With the rise of Donald Trump came a resurrection of twice dead bigots and cavemen from under rocks and out of medieval caves who terrorized otherwise normal people, sowed discord among families, damaged years of tradition and precedence, and spread fierce lies that damaged the credibility of institutions such as science, news reporting, education, justice and religion.

It will take another decade to scrape the scum off the heal of the country’s footing because these ungodly and dystopian aberrations were sown deep into the psyche of millions of people for so long. This man embedded doubt so deep into his sycophants that people are denying what they see with their own eyes and are lying on his behalf to keep his agenda going to the end.

The followers, who are now known as cult members, have to be spoon-fed doses of reality to deprogram them back into normal life. Their minds have to be erased of doubt, lies, and misinformation they have toward medicine, government policy, social morals, all the way down to the concepts of patriotism, loyalty, honesty, humanity and respect for others. This is not going to be easy.


There has to be a stipulated plan that targets the most disruptive of these forces in addition to the followers. The Republican Party has to be rebuilt from the MAGA corruption and ideology and returned to a party of reason and civility, not to mention the courage to recognize and fight against another threat and rise of fascism.

The courts have to be purged of Trump loyalist and questioned of their morals and view of true justice, from the lowest courts up to the Supreme Court. Political precedence’s have to be reinstated and encoded into national law so there are no loopholes in the legal or Constitutional doctrine. Voting has to be restructured and trusted, immigration has to be solved on a final bases (which has been neglected for decades) and faith has to be restored to the medical field to avoid another round of unnecessary deaths and illnesses.

Most of all, trust must be restored to the news media along with the purging of rogue reporters, social media influencers, and independent media platforms built on lies, bots, and the infiltration of foreign governments. This also, will take a while to flush out the liars and call them on their lies and misinformation. Fact checks are going to be the new best job in American media.

The organizations most in need of reform is political PACS to get money out of politics, media companies such as Fox news, which should be completely dismantled, and any future so-called MAGA news agencies that come along to poison the nation through television, radio, or Internet. Organizations such as Moms For Liberty, Libs of Tik Tok, America First Legal, Turning Point USA, and other America first movements that wreaked havoc of information, law, and traditional American culture must go.

Policies such as book bans, attacks on ethnic history, company and institutional hiring and diversity practices, Old southern tropes, Nazi ideology and any dictator-type forces must be pointed out quickly, called out publicly and shot down. Marches of rebels who threaten the lives and existence of people of color or immigrants living normal lives should be spotlighted and driven back into the holes they came out of, documented as threats, and reminded to the public on a regular basis.

Elon must go. Militia groups, police unions who recruit and train bigots, lawyers who pervert justice, CEOs who gouge the public, lobbyist who bribe politicians, and the media companies who hire and instruct their reporters and anchors to misdirect the public against truth and justice should be spotlighted, documented and humiliated in public view; not to mentioned fired.

This is a war we can win by standing on truth and allowing the discontent of these rogue-type movements to die out on their own as did the cult of Donald Trump. He and his movement and loyalist are in their last gasp of a power grab for white power, corporate greed, and the false notion of American exceptionalism. We must always remember and never forget, record into history books, how this man and his movement almost took an entire country back 100 years.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
