This message is to those white men who drool at the thought of publicly humiliating, and possibly hunting and killing Black men and women and other people of color under draconian laws and white power. To those who believe that people are going to willingly submit to returning to subjugated positions of social citizenship under your barking orders and gun barrels. You are going to have to pull the trigger more often than you believe because people will die before they submit to you.

And if that gives you a certain twisted joy, and if the thought of killing another human because they will not submit to your dumb orders excites you, you really have to rethink your humanity and your true purpose for being on this earth. And you definitely have to denounce any claims to being a child of God or follower of Jesus Christ.

In addition to living with your seared consciouses, in reality, your wife will leave you, your kids will hate you, you will see friends killed right before your eyes. You will be fired from your jobs and reduced to working Uber-type jobs. The upper echelon of your white men will be sued, they will have to hide from the angry crowds and move to other countries. Their yachts will be taken or burned, their places of business will be burned, and they also will go without family.

The problem is your stupidity and a misunderstanding of the people you live among and how a real society works and develops. The Supreme Court has already made a grave mistake and underestimated the backlash of overturning Roe, now they are faced with a mess and are quietly backtracking state by state. The public are now seeing, and in the near future, how this decision was more deadly for women than the noble cause of stopping abortions. They should have weaned people off Roe instead of cold turkey stopping it. It was a stupid and rash move.

The same will happen when you try to suddenly throw Black people to the back of the bus again and shut them out of restaurants and shopping areas. If you force this subjugation onto Blacks, you will have to do all other people of color, and you do not have the manpower or the infrastructure.


It will be a huge mistake to round up Hispanics and other illegal and legal immigrants over the course of a year or two and send them packing to countries they have no knowledge of. You will get a backlash of a different sort from the Hispanic people, the Haitians, Venezuelans and others. Asian people will look to their home lands for relief and Muslim and other Middle Eastern people will seek help from abroad also. You are not the brightest people on this earth, you are a minority and a small one. The world will be watching.

Your brand of bullying is not going to go over like you think. Your mask-marches and AR15s only have a small minute reach of authority before other people of color return fire with their own. Your police forces packed with suburban white boys raised by their mommies, nannies and extremely soft fathers are going to face an anger that has been built up in minorities for most of their lives against what they see as aggressive, overbearing and weak white boys seeking pacification of their egos. You are going to get your feelings and physically hurt every day.

Of course, there are some hard-core white boys out there, muscle bound and armed to the teeth but they are few and far between. The rest of you are incel white boys are not built for urban combat and lack the needed rage to fulfill their desire to chase down and rope a Black man. You are all dreaming a dream that will not come to fruition like you wish. You better rethink your lust for white power because you may end up losing badly and come face to face with people who have had enough of your ignorance.

The thing about fate is, no one knows how things will turn out, where availing forces may come into play, and how many people will wake up and decide to take up arms against you. Think for a moment, all the Black men who are supporters of your king are the only ones that will be easy enough to subjugate, and even they will awaken suddenly when they realize how they been played, and they may be your worse enemies. The rest of the Black men and women out there are already in resistant mode.

Neither have you truly thought about the white people who are not on your side and who have had enough of your bullshit. They will be a force to reckon with because you think that all white people will fall in place once your plans go into effect. But that is not true because too many of your own people have biracial children, understand how humanity works, and do not want to live like animals when they have to go to work every day. You are not as intellectually superior as you think. It looks good on paper, but real life is much different.

The message is simple, do not think for one moment that your task and lust for white power will come easy. The reason this is so definite is because you screwed up Roe in your haste and underestimated your power, ideas, and reach to a society that has had that freedom for years. It’s too late to turn back time and the repercussions have come to life and death situations for women and for unborn children.

Your push for re-segregation, no voting rights for minorities and women, and your plans of a militarized police state in this country will end in a dark country full of death, blood battles, and an uncivilized society. Is that what you truly want? Just be ready for a fight you have completely underestimated.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
