Seeing the country has moved toward an Authoritarian regime, there is no more compromise from the defeated parties of the Democrats or the Grand Old Republican Party. They have both been silenced and cut off from policy-making and subjected to whatever the new Dictator and his billionaire friend’s command.
Nevertheless, if there is any chance of this country recouping its experiment of a Representative Democracy where everyone has an actual vote and the country wants to move forward into the next century of advancement, a new Blueprint of the future must be written and lessons have to be learned.
One lesson to be learned is near to come, where the country will realize that they cannot rule the people by pushing them down into a feudal system without resistance, violence, and possible revolution on the horizon. All these things are sure to come seeing most Americans will soon have nothing to lose but their lives. Once all they have is slowly taken by billionaires and their children are living day to day, the authoritarians will have to acknowledge they cannot drain blood from a turnip.
Over the next decade of horror that we will all experience, new leaders with new ideas and a strong vision of prosperity for all will have to surface with a plan, laid out in the new Blueprint for America. This leader, or leaders will have to reorganize their action plan with a focus on the needs of the people otherwise the situation will only get bleaker and we will never recover.
First of all, strong men and oligarchs cannot have any rule, no say, and no influence on how the government is run. Corruption in the justice system, federal and state legislators must be eradicated and those who transgress must be punished by law and imprisoned or dispelled from the country. Common sense and values for humanity will have to take precedence over loud mouths and brutish people who find their vindication in aiming automatic weapons at made-up enemies.
Speaking of automatic weapons, gun fetishes must be extinguished and stigmatized as a mental disorder that is a true threat to domestic and national security, for the sake of all children if not by anything else. If there are people who cannot value the lives of children and their development and right to live safely, they too, should be found and imprisoned until they are reformed to a civilized normality.
As far as policy, healthcare, homelessness, and the opportunity to earn a decent wage without exploitation must be implemented to the point where the country lives up to its so-called Christian values or even human values, and everyone has healthcare, a place to live, and the ability to rightly earn their money without the constant threat of unemployment and poverty hanging over their heads. Inhumanity will be a crime against humanity; and people will be imprisoned for any acts of apathy or cruelty toward others.
Hate, racism and bullying will be outlawed, frowned upon and discouraged in children and all parents who attempt to carry on this illegitimate legacy will be committing a crime against humanity and placed in a psychiatric ward until they learn how to behave like a normal human being.
Democrat Compromise
On this note, party wise; the Democrats should pull back on their fight for abortion – seeing a nationwide abortion ban is most likely going to be enforced in the future – and they must focus more on the health of pregnant women and their children during and after birth. Abortion is frowned upon by more people as Christian clerics are determined to remake the family unit in God’s sight. Otherwise, the Democrats will have to establish their own secret place of an underground nature for abortions, like it was during the sixties and seventies.
Another policy they must not just compromise on, but take out of the spotlight is the LGBTQ agenda and the Trans movement. The conservatives have demonized this movement throughout the country and too many people have been conditioned to turn their heads and votes against it. In fact, no one can see how the LGBTQ and Trans community are making any positive contributions to the country but instead only see them as disturbances and being harmful to their children and corrupting their favorite pastime of sports. This is not a good image.
Seeing the country is now being run by conservatives who value Christian nationalism, policies will be redirected toward religion and old fashion family values and many Americans apparently find value in these policies. Democrats would be better off reading the room and adjusting their policies toward a compromise in the direction of what the people need and not on identity politics or pushing agendas that others see as destructive and a threat. If the Democrats refuse to adjust, they will continue to lose.
In addition, they must focus more on the economic well-being of rural and urban areas instead of propping up suburban and coastal regions of the elite. They should also redirect their sights off Hollywood and look to trade and job creation, the liberal arts of grass root communities, and building alliances with small businesses and entrepreneurs on a local level to regain the mom-and-pop stores. No longer can they place too much value on higher education but make it affordable and must meet the electorate on the ground level and supply trade jobs and more entry level tech jobs to the next generation, with affordable pay.
Conservative Compromise
On the other hand, Conservatives must educate themselves on the positives of diversity and not view it as a threat to their imagined white power structure. If they continue to think along these nationalist lines, the economy will further decline when they realize money has no color and respect is due to people who are not white. They must apply self-introspect on themselves and question the need for an all-white power base that thrives off violence and hate. At some point, this gets old and will soon be challenged on the level they seek, which is violence.
The conservative base has to wake up at some point and see who their real enemy is instead of being pointed to the direction of minority and marginalized communities. There will be a day this will happen, but by the time they finally realize it, many people will have died at the hands of their misguided hate and misunderstanding of the concept of true diversity. And many of their children will have turned on them.
As in the case of Democrat resistance, not many people are in agreement with racial domination of minority groups. Conservatives must come to this realization, and that no one wants to work all their days for the rest of their lives without having time to raise the families’ conservatives so love to champion. A huge contradiction lies in the logic of conservatives as their idea of work-life balance leave no time for life and all available time to work for oligarchs who undermine their time and rights.
The model of work the conservatives have laid before the people will soon be discovered by their base as corporations continue to exploit and steal from workers. This cannot go on much longer without someone taking notice or a new generation emerging and seeing what they deem as unfair, compared to the way their parents lived. This is unsustainable and will falter.
Either Compromise or Divide
If neither side is willing to compromise their position, a crack in the system is imminent as well as revolution. There is no need for the two political ideologies to coexist and a new national Constitution and Amendments must be drawn to accompany those who seek justice, affordable living standards, and a better life for their children. If the wealthy cannot find compassion in their hearts, they should seek out other lands to explore instead of destroying and driving a hold into the one they live and exploit now.
One would assume that men and women of a so-called higher intellectual capacity, or genius status, could see the outcome of such an imbalanced system and understand that it is not reasonable but will soon collapse. There are other people in this land who have a right to a healthy life without the threat of gun violence, second-rate healthcare, and poisonous foods; in addition to working all day every day to make the one percent rich at the expense of their families.
All is not lost; there is a solution to this problem the United States has. It does not have to repeat 1930s Germany or the French Revolution or the Civil War. People can actually use their brains and resolve this issue by devising a plan to make a change that would benefit both sides of the political isle, which is to Divide the Country, or else.
DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE