Friday, February 21, 2025

Life Style

Cults Begin at Home: A Dysfunctional Society Born from Family Chaos

Of the current labeled generations sharing society; Boomers, Xers, Millennials, and Gen-Z, each generation share common traits that has led to the dysfunction of society ripe for brainwashing and...

A Clothes Encounter In The Business World

Follow these professional business attire tips for both men and women because we are judged by the way we dress. Do you ever wonder where all the dress rules have...

How To Finance Your Government Contracts

Are you selling products or services to the federal government? Every year, city, county, state and the federal government buy billions of dollars in goods and services from business...

In the War On the Wealthy

We Only Owe It To Ourselves

Spiritual Growth: the Spiritual Challenge of Modern Times

To grow spiritually in a world defined by power, money, and influence is a Herculean task. Modern conveniences such as electronic equipments, gadgets, and tools as well as entertainment...

All About Pepper Spray

No one can ever know when, but it always pays off to protect yourself. Although there are police officers and others out there who uphold the law, you never...

Dealing with Information Overload

You may sometimes find yourself-overwhelmed by all the information available. We choose a subject or a skill we want to learn about, maybe subscribe to an email or two...

More Reads

Real Estate Investing: Learn The Proper Methods

For years we have heard all the rags to riches stories of people who...

The housing market has never been this unaffordable for new buyers

There is no other reason than the greed of the wealthy that people cannot...

The Impact of the Feminization of America’s Cultural Landscape

The women’s movement has changed America tremendously. From the days of the traditional family...

Credit is Designed to Increase Debt Peonage

Not only is the concept of credit a corporate scam inflicted on the working...

5 Essential Oils For Depression, Hair Loss, and More!

Relax, relate, release and smell the aroma of essential oils! For years, essential oils have...

Allowing the Public to Police themselves is the Dumbest Political Policy Ever

Giving everyone in the country guns is an idiotic move on the part of...

Men Are Ultimately Responsible for Birth Control: Socially and Biblically

The moral and spiritual implications of birth control have long been debated. Some argue...

Cults Begin at Home: A Dysfunctional Society Born from Family Chaos

Of the current labeled generations sharing society; Boomers, Xers, Millennials, and Gen-Z, each generation...

Leadership Exposed: Things You Thought You Knew About Leadership

Much has been written about leadership: rules, pointers, styles, and biographies of inspiring leaders...

How to – Organic Gardening

Organic gardening is the exact same as regular gardening except that no synthetic fertilizers...

How to Get Your First Customer

The first day of your new business is here and you have to secure...

The Fear of Diversity and the Elimination of Black History

The argument from the far right is that diversity training in corporations, schools, and...


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