Thursday, March 27, 2025

Under The Sun

White Supremacy Is Not Real: Just Bullies and Thieves with Guns

By now, people in the US and all over the world has a better understanding of the white supremacist movement, its ideology, and its purpose. For years and even...

Our Current Reality is a Badly Written Reality Show

Take One: an actor wins the 2016 presidential election and comes in shocked and unprepared; introduces a cast of his best people only to fire them later, and sets...

Relentless and Believable Lies Have Damaged this Country

America’s fall into fascism, authoritarianism and a full-blown oligarchy can be condensed into one simple concept; lies. In the battle between good and evil, right versus wrong, justice and...

If Tragedy Strikes the US, MAGA Better Hide Them Hats

Plans always look good on paper, and in the minds of those who conceive them, it looks easy. But when it is time to implement the plan, there are...

Democracy Has Fallen, yet Jokes, Games, and Celebrations Continue

The traditional saying is the show must go on and we should laugh in times of hardship and we need not take everything so seriously and just keep it...

Cults Begin at Home: A Dysfunctional Society Born from Family Chaos

Of the current labeled generations sharing society; Boomers, Xers, Millennials, and Gen-Z, each generation share common traits that has led to the dysfunction of society ripe for brainwashing and...

The Biblical History of Social Justice and Defiance of Authoritarian Rulers

There is currently a battle between this authoritarian government and their rule of law pertaining to immigrants, their war against social justice wokeness, and their need to feed their...

More Reads

Expect A Mental Meltdown from the Evil Side

The scriptures clearly state that the wicked lay traps for the righteous but they...

The Original Human Needs Theory

This theory attempts to prove that society does not need capitalism and that man...

The Politics of UFOs and the Exploitation of Human Imagination

In man’s advancement of technology around the world, not just in the United States,...

Mainstream Media is Setting the Stage for the US Dictatorship

The AP News just carved in stone the future of the US dictatorship under...

Cults Begin at Home: A Dysfunctional Society Born from Family Chaos

Of the current labeled generations sharing society; Boomers, Xers, Millennials, and Gen-Z, each generation...

If Tragedy Strikes the US, MAGA Better Hide Them Hats

Plans always look good on paper, and in the minds of those who conceive...

Cowards and Bullies Prey on the Defenseless and Disenfranchised

When wealthy white men can occupy a major platform in one of the most...

The Distortion of Truth: How Contemporary Logic Impacts Society

Contemporary logic has distorted civilized and sound reasoning and transformed it into a bed...

Just Because Its Legal or Constitutional Does Not Make It Right

All common sense is lost in this country, which defines its culture throughout. Laws...

Civic Economic Theory: An Alternative to Capitalism and Socialism

The concept of a thriving society is for everyone to have shared access to...

Meet Those Who Will Take the Mark of the Beast

Religious prophesy speaks of a time when the world will be forced to receive...

They Say America is Not Stolen Land, it was Conquered

Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, there were many posts on the paganism and hypocrisy...


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