Black folks and poor working whites can continue to support the conservative party if they want to, that same party is hell bent on making life much harder than what it already is. A new bill was proposed by the conservative Congress to criminalize non-profit Bail Bonds companies if they provide bail to low-income families.

They want these nonprofit organizations to abide by the same rules of lending money as for-profit bail bonds companies. And if they do not, they can face fines, fees, and even criminal charges. This is what is called systemic oppression and voters voting against their own interest.

Many people in the country cannot afford a $1000 cash emergency let alone a bail that may reach 10 percent of $250,000. This effort is nothing more than a power grab for the interest of for-profit businesses and the insurance companies. Pretending to be Christian-based, the conservatives not only hate the poor, but they hate anyone who tries to help those in need.

A misguided piece of legislation is poised to threaten vital assistance for low-income Americans who cannot afford bail, subjecting them to jail while awaiting trial, even though they are presumed innocent under the law. The legislation, which passed the House last week, effectively weaponizes the federal insurance fraud statute to target organizations that provide free bail assistance — including faith groups and nonprofits like The Bail Project. This attack threatens the very lifeline we provide to thousands of low-income Americans every year.

The legislation amends the federal fraud statute to define “the business of insurance” to include posting monetary bail, effectively criminalizing anyone — including faith groups, charitable bail funds, community organizations and any individual participating in their efforts — if they provide bail assistance but don’t adhere to the same regulations that govern for-profit commercial bail bond agencies. This bill is a poorly designed piece of legislation that does not address public safety or economic inequity, but instead strengthens the for-profit bail bond industry, which profits off of low-income people.”


People should really research their representative views on all issues instead of believing talking points laid out by corrupt political grifters and misinformation news outlets. This may be a policy that not many feel they need right away, but when a child or relative end up in jail for something minor, it could turn into a life-time of unnecessary hardship.

“Americans who cannot afford bail may lose their job or their home, lose access to critical medication, and their children may wind up in foster care. Without our intervention, many of our clients, who are legally innocent people, would have felt pressure to plead guilty, or languished inside dangerous jails for years.”

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
